类风湿关节炎血清学早期诊断 |
李小峰 张乃峥 李鸿斌 甘晓丹 唐福林 董怡 崔京涛 张帆
【摘 要】 目的 探索抗核周因子(APF)、抗角蛋白抗体(AKA)、抗Sa抗体及抗RA33/36抗体检测对R A的早期诊断价值。方法 对未肯定诊断的关节痛/关节炎病人116例 进行上述四种抗体检测并随访观察。APF和AKA用间接免疫荧光法进行检测。抗Sa抗体和抗RA 33/36抗体用免疫印迹法检测。结果 对116例未肯定诊断的关节痛/ 关节炎患者随访4~18个月。APF阳性的29例中,最后确诊为RA 20例(69%);AKA30例中确诊 RA16例(53.3%);抗Sa抗体39例中确诊RA 19例(48.7%)。而APF、AKA和抗Sa抗体阴性组中 ,追随后确定为RA者比例不高,而发展为肯定非RA的患者明显高于阳性组,两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 四种自身抗体均可出现在RA确诊前的 病人中,任何两种以上自身抗体阳性对RA诊断早期有较高的价值。 【关键词】 关节炎,类风湿 抗核周因子 抗角蛋白抗体 抗RA33抗体 抗Sa抗体
Serologic diagnosis of early rheumatoid arthritis
LI Xiaofeng ,ZHANG Naizheng,LI Hongbin,et al.Department of Rheumatology Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing 100730
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the diagnost ic value of antiperinuclear factor (APF),antikeratin antibody (AKA),anti-Sa ant ibody and anti-RA33/36 antibody in early RA patients.Methods One hundred and sixteen unclassified arthralgia/arthritis patients were studied a nd followed up for 4 to 8 months.APF and AKA were detected by indirect immunoflu orescence,anti-Sa and anti-RA33/36 antibodies were detected by immunoblotting. Results At the end of follow-up,20(69%) out of 29 APF positiv e patients were diagnosed to have RA,16(53.3%) out of 30 AKA positive and 19(4 8.7%) out of 39 anti-Sa positive patients were also diagnosed to have RA.The rates of APF,AKA and anti-Sa negative patients diagnosed to have RA were signif icantly lower than those of serum positive patients.Conclusion The 4 kinds of autoantibodies can be detected in early RA patients and have hi gh value on early diagnosis of RA. 【Key words】 Arthritis,rheumatoid Antiperinuclear factor Antikeratin antibody Anti-RA33 antibody Anti-Sa antibody
类风湿关节炎(RA)的诊断目前主要靠临床表现、X线改变和类风湿因子检测综合判断。到目 前为止还没有一个可作为常规的比较特异的诊断手段,特别是在疾病的早期阶段仍比较困难 ,而早期有效积极的治疗能很大程度上改善RA的预后,至少能延缓病情的进展[1] 。类风湿因子(RF)常用于诊断RA,但RF可出现于许多结缔组织病及其他疾病,诊断价值有限 [2]。本文对APF、AKA、抗Sa抗体和抗RA33/36抗体进行了研究,由此探讨四种自身 抗体对RA的早期诊断价值,希望能找到一些有助于[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 共刺激因子CD80在强直性脊柱炎肠道的表达 下一个医学论文: 系统性红斑狼疮多发家系与HLA致病单倍型研究