心房按需起搏后阈值变化的长期观察 |
Long-term observation of thresholds on patients with atrial demand pacing 陈锐华 李俭春 刘保军 乐伟 Chen Ruihua, Li Jianchun, Li Baojun, et al
【摘要】 目的 观察心房按需起搏(AAI)后阈值变化的情况及其基本特征。方 法 对20例AAI起搏患者,在起搏后不同时间进行起搏阈值测定,并与同期收治的 10例心室按需起搏(VVI)患者进行比较。结果 AAI起搏后不同时间的平均阈值较 VVI起搏后高0.2~0.8μJ,第1周达高峰(2.15±0.15μJ),2周时趋于平衡(1.70±0.16μJ), 随后速即转为稳定状态。心内电图P-R段抬高幅度与阈值呈负相关(r=-0.5186,P<0.05), 低阈值组P-R段抬高幅度达0.28±0.12mV,显著高于高阈值组的0.17±0.10mV。结论 AAI起搏后的阈值在2周后即趋向稳定状态;心内电图P-R段抬高幅度对保证理想的阈 值水平有重要临床意义。 【关键词】 心脏起搏,人工 起搏阈值
Long-term observation of thresholds on patients with atrial demand pacing Chen Ruihua, Li Jianchun, Liu Baojun, et al. Department of Cardiology, Nanjing General Hospital, PLA, Nanjing 210002 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the basic features of threshold changes in patients with atrial demand pacing. Methods Thirty patients (20 cases of AAI and 10 cases of VVI pacing) were studied to assess the threshold changes during different durations after implanting the pacemaker. Results Comparing with the VVI group, the mean thresholds in the AAI group increased 0.2—0.8μJ and reached peak value (2.15±0.15μJ) at the first weekend after implanting the pacemaker and then tended toward stability (1.70±0.10μJ) after two weeks. There was a negative correlation between the elevation degree of P-R segment and pacing thresholds (r=-0.5168, P〈0.05). The degree of P-R elevation in the low threshold group was much higher than that in the high threshold group (0.28 ±0.12mV vs 0.17±0.10mV). Conclusion Threshold tends toward stability two weeks after implanting the pacemaker. The elevation degree of P-R segment has important clinical significance to assure ideal threshold level. 【Key words】 cardiac pacing, artificial pacing threshold
起搏阈值是心脏起搏的重要参数[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 房室结双径路合并房室旁路的折返性心动过速及射频消融治疗 下一个医学论文: 急性心肌梗塞患者的压力反射敏感性测定