钢铁厂男性工人高血压及其危险因素综合性干预效果的初步评价 |
高玖鸣 吴锡桂 朱燕 顾东风 王淑玉 汪红 周娟 曹天秀 张啸飞 崔淑珍 刘景田
【摘要】 目的 评价在工厂人群中采取综合性措施干预高血压及其危险因素的效果;初步总结开展人群高血压预防和治疗的经验。方法 对干预厂(组)进行为期3年(1992年1月至1995年4月)设对照厂(组)的综合性干预,对比两厂干预前后2次整群随机抽样调查结果。结果 干预后干预组人群年龄调整的收缩压水平、体重指数、高血压患病率和饮酒率较对照组人群分别净下降2.4mmHg、0.43kg/m2、5.2%和19.2%,除患病率外均达统计学显著水平(P均<0.01);干预组较对照组高血压患者治疗和控制百分率、药物治疗控制在正常高限血压及以下和临界高血压及以下者均明显增加(P均<0.01);87例轻度高血压非药物治疗中51.7%控制在正常高限血压及以下水平。结论 采用卫生教育、健康促进及药物和非药物综合干预方法,对男性工厂人群高血压及其危险因素的预防和控制具有较好的效果;专业人员与基层保健人员密切合作对开展高血压预防和控制具有重要作用。 【关键词】 高血压 危险因素 社区卫生服务
Initial assessment of the efficacy of comprehensive intervention for hypertension and its risk factors in male workers of iron and steel plant Gao Jiuming, Wu Xigui, Zhu Yan, et al. Department of Epidemiology, Cardiovascular Institute and Fu Wai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC, Beijing 100037 【Abstract】 Objective To study whether a downward shift of blood pressure can be achieved, hypertension and its risk factors can be better &127;controlled by comprehensive preventive intervention for three years in the worker population.Methods From January 1992 to April 1995, random independent samplings of male workers from two comparable factories, one of which is the intervention group and the other for control, were surveyed before and after intervention. The intervention group recieved comprehensive intervention means of health education and promotion as well as pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic therapy of hypertension. Results After intervention of three years in the intervention group, net reduction of age-adjusted systolic blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), rate of drinkers and the prevalence of hypertension were 2.4 mmHg, 0.43kg/m2, 19.2% and 5.2%, respectively(all P<0.01 vs the control group, except the prevalence). Treatment rate(98.1% vs 51.8%) and controlled rate(72.0% vs 37.5%) of the hypertensives and percentage of patients on medication controlled at or lower than the upper limit of normal blood pressure and borderlin[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 我国风湿性心脏病的流行现状 下一个医学论文: 北京房山社区人群心血管病综合防治研究