我国风湿性心脏病的流行现状 |
饶栩栩 黄震东 岑润超 赵万蓉 门子忠 王礼桂 徐小玲 陈晓平 陈沛芳 倪戈敏 邓木兰 李义和
【摘要】 目的 掌握我国风湿性心脏病的近期流行状况。方法 1993~1995年对我国东、南、西、北、中六个省、市协作区的5~18岁学生样本人群进行风湿性心脏病调查。结果 据1994年调查资料,在269 546人中共发现风湿性心脏病59例,总患病率为0.22‰,各地患病率从0.03‰至0.40‰;农村患病率高于城市;患病率随年龄而增长,而男、女间无明显差异。病例中单纯二尖瓣病变占73.7%,其中单纯二尖瓣狭窄占9.2%;诊断时合并风湿活动者占23.7%。结论 调查结果显示,我国青少年儿童患病率近10余年有明显下降,但有些地区仍较高。今后仍有必要对人群风湿性心脏病的流行趋势进行长期监测,并适当进行一些成人风湿性心脏病调查,继续做好防治工作。 【关键词】 风湿性心脏病 患病率 人群
An updated epidemiologic status of rheumatic heart disease in China ——A survey report on rheumatic heart disease for the National Eighth Five-year Key Project of rheumatic fever investigation Rao Xuxu, Huang Zhendong, Cen Runchao, et al. Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular Institute, Guangzhou 510100 【Abstract】 Objective To study the current status of rheumatic heart disease(RHD) in China.Methods Annual screening survey was performed among student population samples aged 5-18 in six provinces or cities located geographically in the eastern, southern, western, northern and central regions across China from 1993 to 1995. Results Fifty-nine RHD patients were found among 269 546 students surveyed in 1994. The prevalence rate was 0.22 per 1000, ranging from 0.03 to 0.40 per 1000 in different regions. The prevalence was higher in the rural than in the urban areas and increased with age; male and female made no remarkable difference. Among the RHD cases, pure mitral valve lesions accounted for 73.7% and pure mitral stenosis 9.2%; 23.7% of the cases were found to have rheumatic activity during the survey. Conclusion The results reveal that RHD prevalence among Chinese children and adolescents has decreased remarkably during the past two decades but it is still high in some regions. A long-term monitoring of the epidemiologic trend and community control of RHD is necessary to be continued. 【Key words】 rheumatic heart disease preval[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 脂餐后血清甘油三酯代谢异常作为冠心病独立危险因素的探讨 下一个医学论文: 钢铁厂男性工人高血压及其危险因素综合性干预效果的初步评价