具有自动夺获功能起搏器的临床应用 |
杨艳敏 朱俊 宋有城 袁贤奇 谭慧琼 贺丽霞 章友华 李建冬 章晏 刘玉芝
【摘要】 目的 为评价具有自动夺获功能起搏器临床应用的初步结果。方法 9例患者安装了具有自动夺获功能的起搏器(Regency SC+2402L),观察术后早期(术后1~2天)、术后1周、2周及术后远期(1~4个月)的起搏阈值、输出电压、ER振幅、阻抗及极化电位等参数变化。结果 8例均能以自动夺获方式工作,输出电压随起搏阈值变化而变化。1例因自身心律与起搏心律形成融合波而致感知不足,导致“起搏阈值波动”。1例因极化电位升高而致自动夺获功能无法工作。结论 具有自动夺获功能起搏器的临床应用表明其具有安全、省电的特点。 【关键词】 起搏器,人工 心律失常 起搏阈值
Clinical experience with autocapture pacemaker Yang Yanmin, Zhu Jun, Song Youcheng, et al. Department of Emergency, Cardiovascular Institute and Fu Wai Hospital, CAMS and PUMC, Beijing 100037 【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pacemaker with autocapture function. Methods Pacemakers with autocapture function (Regency SC+2402L) were implanted in 9 patients with sick sinus syndrome or atrioventricular block. Stimulation threshold, output amplitude, evoked response(ER), impedance and polarization were measured at 1-2 days, 1 week and 2 weeks postoperatively, and during the follow-up period (1-4 months after operation).Results Eight patients were paced normally with autocapture function, output amplitude changed with the change of stimulation threshold. In one case an unexpected threshold rise occurred and resulted in “fluctuation of stimulation threshold”, possibly due to the fusion beat could not be sensed by the pulse generator. Autocapture function failed in one case because polarization signal was 66% above the propose ER sensitivity. Conclusion The pacemaker with autocapture function is safe and energy-saving. 【Key words】 pacemaker, artificial arrhythmia pacing threshold
如何减少起搏器能量消耗、延长起搏器寿命是多年来人们期待解决的问题。具有自动夺获功能(autocapture)起搏器的问世,在确保患者安全的同时使起搏器运转在很低的输出状态,从而延长了该类起搏器的寿命。 现将我们临床应用具有自动夺获功能起搏器的初步经验介绍如下。
1.临床资料:从1996年12月~1997年4月,共9例患者埋植了Regency SC+2402L永久起搏器,男4例,女5例。年龄44~85岁,平均64.7±19.6岁。心律失常性质:5例为窦性心动过缓、窦性停搏、窦房传导阻滞;4例为高度或三度房室传导阻滞。其中3例伴阵发性心房颤动。安置术中常规测起搏器工作参数,术后早期及术后1周、2周、术后远期观察[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 静脉注射地尔硫对心功能的影响 下一个医学论文: 分级次二尖瓣球囊扩张预防二尖瓣反流的初步研究