冠状动脉内支架植入术中的并发症及处理 |
靳立军 陈传荣 陈纪言 周颖玲 董太明 黄涛 杨向太
【摘要】 目的 为提高对冠状动脉内支架植入中并发症的认识及处理的水平。方法 自1994年1月至1996年10月对80例冠心病患者行了冠状动脉内支架植入术(CASI),共植入支架113个,其中Bail-out stenting 26个,De novo stenting 87个,支架类型以Palmaz-Schatz型最多,植入成功率为96.5%(110/113)。结果 术中发生并发症14例次,发生率为12.3%(14/113),其中以支架植入时造成血管病变部位近端及远端正常血管撕裂为多见。术后死亡2例。结论 支架虽有较好的临床效果,但也会引起一些并发症,如处理不当甚至会造成死亡,应引起重视。 【关键词】 冠状动脉疾病 冠脉内支架 并发症
Complications and treatment of intracoronary stenting Jin Lijun, Chen Chanrong, Chen Jiyan, et al. Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute, Guangzhou 510100 【Abstract】 Objective To well recognize the complications of intracoronary stenting and to strengthen the treatment of the complications.Methods From January 1994 to October 1996, 113 intracoronary stents, including PS stent 89, GR 5, Multilink 8, Micro 3, Cordis 2, Wiktor 1, Jomstent 4, Nir 1, were implanted in 80 patients for treatment of acute coronary closure following PTCA (bail-out stenting) or selected de novo lesions (de novo stenting). The procedure success rate was 97.3 (110/113). Results Complications vascular dissection most commonly occurred in 14 during the procedure. Two patients died of the complication. Conclusion Although intracoronary stenting, as bail-out stenting and de novo stenting, is an effective and safe method with high procedure success rate, some complications may occur. Attentions must be paid to these complications. 【Key words】 coronary artery disease intracoronary stent complication
本组病例为1994年1月至1996年10月间在本所住院患者。男70例,女10例,平均年龄65.2±18.3(33~76)岁。26处病变为球囊扩张后内膜撕裂严重而行CASI(Bail-out stenting),另87处为De novo病变而行CASI(de novo stenting)。手术按常规方法进行,指引导管在左冠状动脉多选用JL4型,而右冠状动脉多选AL2型,支架直径大小按与病变远端正常血管直径1.0~1.1∶1比例来确定。植入支架前先用小球囊对病变预扩张,然后沿引导导丝推送支架到狭窄部位,用6~16ATM压力扩张45秒左右,如狭窄仍未消失,再换另一条耐高压球囊[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 冠状动脉内超声成像对斑块形态 临床综合征及冠状动脉造影的对比研究 下一个医学论文: 冠状动脉旁路术前存活心肌的评价 附13例报告