福辛普利与依那普利治疗轻中度高血压病的疗效比较 |
诸骏仁 王宪衍 徐伟 杨蕊敏 金翠燕 钱珠
【摘要】 目的 比较福辛普利与依那普利治疗轻中度高血压病的疗效和安全性。方法 随机开放对照试验,经2周安慰剂导入期,139例轻中度高血压患者进入8周治疗期,每日1次服用福辛普利10 mg(74例)或依那普利5 mg(65例),2周后如舒张压≥90 mmHg则剂量加倍,4周后如仍无效则每日加服双氢克尿噻25 mg。结果 两组药物均能明显降低血压(P<0.001);福辛普利有效率90.1%,依那普利有效率88.9%(P>0.05)。福辛普利和依那普利组分别有38%和51%患者加用利尿剂(P>0.05)。福辛普利降压谷峰值比率59.9%,依那普利为47.1%。最常见不良反应是咳嗽,两组各4例。结论 对轻中度高血压病福辛普利是一种有效、安全且易耐受的降压药,每日1次能维持24小时降压效应。 【关键词】 高血压 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂
Comparison of fosinopril and enalapril in the treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension Zhu Junren, Wang Xianyan, Xu Wei, et al. Zhong Shan Hospital, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032 【Abstract 】 Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of fosinopril and enalapril in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension. Methods Following a 2-week placebo period, 139 patients entered an 8-week randomized, parallel study with either 10 mg fosinopril (n=74) or 5 mg enalapril (n=65) once daily. Dose doubling and the addition of dihydrochlorothiazide 25 mg once daily were required if diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg at week 2 and week 4 respectively. Results Blood pressure were significantly reduced in both groups (P<0.001). There was no significant difference in responder rates between fosinopril treated patients (90.1%) and patients taking enalapril (88.9%). The addition of diuretic was required in 38% of patients on fosinopril and 51% of patients on enalapril. The trough to peak ratios were calculated as 59.9% for fosinopril and 47.1% for enalapril. Cough was the most common side effect, observed in 4 patients in each group. Conclusion Fosinopril once daily is effective, safe and well tolerated in mild to moderate hypertensive patients. 【Key words 】 hypertension ACE inhibitor
一、病例选择 1.入选标准:年龄20~70岁,坐位舒张[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 心房起搏的远期随访 下一个医学论文: 冠状动脉内超声成像对斑块形态 临床综合征及冠状动脉造影的对比研究