依那普利 硝苯啶控释片对高血压左心室肥厚者P物质和肾素 |
P went up and those of AngⅡ and Ald reduced (P<0.001). In groupⅡ, no obvious changes in the parameters were found (P>0.05). Before treatment, a negative correlation was noted between the levels of SP and LVMIs (r=-0.4115, P<0.0025). After treatment, the negative correlation in the group Ⅰ was strengthened (r=-0.5579, P<0.0005), while, in group Ⅱ, no linear correlation was found (r=-0.029, P>0.25). Before treatment, in the 53 patients showed no linear correlation between the levsls of SP and AngⅡ (r=-0.1403, P>0.10). Conclusion SP and AngⅡ are a pair of antagonist substances of vessel activity, which antagonize with each other in EH patients, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a regulating pivot of the pair of antagonists. ACE is one of the key substances keeping the balance between promoting and inhibiting factors affecting LVH. In addition, Adalat GITS does not activate the RAS and the sympathetic nervous system in EH patients accompanied with LVH. 【Key words】 enalapril Adalat GITS hypertension substance P renin-angiotensin system
作者观察了依那普利(enalapril)和硝苯啶控释片(Adalst GITS)治疗下高血压病(EH)合并左心室肥厚(LVH)患者血浆P物质(SP)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)和醛固酮(Ald)水平变化,旨在探讨SP与LVH和肾素血管紧张素系统(RAS)的关系及上述两种药物对SP和RAS的影响。
一、对象 高血压合并LVH患者53例,均符合WHO1978年高血压诊断标准,符合LVH诊断标准[1],排除继发性原因确诊为高血压病。所有患者无明显心、脑、肝、肾功能障碍,血压轻、中度升高,未经过治疗或经过治疗已停降压药2周以上。患者随机分为2组:Enalapril治疗组(Ⅰ组)27例,Adalat GITS治疗组(Ⅱ组)26例。 二、方法 1.LVH的确定:采用B型超声诊断仪,于胸骨旁长轴二维图象指导下,获左心室短轴的M型图象。测取连续3个心动周期的舒张期室间隔厚度、左室后壁厚度和左室舒张末期内径,取其均值。测身高和体重计算体表面积后,按Devereux公式计算左心室质量及其指数(LVMI)[2]。 2.血浆SP、AngⅡ、Ald测定:放免法测定。北京海科锐生物技术中心提供SP、AngⅡ、Ald放免药盒,γ-计数仪为BECRMAN5500型。 3.药物治疗方法:Enalapril片,10mg/片(常州制药厂生产,批号N940328);Adalat GITS,30mg/片(德国拜耳医药公司生产,批号GPB1302)。Ⅰ组口服enalapril 10mg/次,1-2次/天;Ⅱ组口服Adalat GITS 30~90mg/次,1次/日,使两组患者血压降至正常水平,并维持服药。服药前1天及12周末,按前述方法,分别检测LVMI,测定SP、AngⅡ和Ald。 4.统计分析:各参数前后变化及组间比较采用t检验,取双侧α=0.05;直线相关分析采用t检验,取单侧α=上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 安慰剂对照观察微粒化非诺贝特对高脂血症患者的临床疗效 下一个医学论文: 高血压左室肥厚患者组织纤维化的血清指标观察