血清透明质酸 型前胶原 型胶原水平与肝纤维化的关系 |
谢仕斌 姚集鲁 郑荣琴 谢冬英 高志良
【摘要】 目的 研究血清纤维化指标透明质酸(HA)、Ⅲ型前胶原(PC Ⅲ)及Ⅳ型胶原(Ⅳ C)水平与肝纤维化程度的关系。方法 用放射免疫法测定114例慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者血清HA、ⅣC及PC Ⅲ水平,同时行肝组织活检,对肝组织进行炎症分级和纤维化分期。分析上述血清指标水平与肝组织分级和分期之间的关系。结果 上述指标水平均与慢性肝炎发展的阶段一致,在慢性重度与肝硬化阶段均处于最高水平,与肝组织炎症坏死及纤维化程度亦一致,在炎症分级G4、纤维化分期S4水平最高。血清HA、PCⅢ及ⅣC水平与肝组织炎症坏死和纤维化程度均呈正相关,但与纤维化的相关性均高于与炎症坏死相关性。结论 血清HA、ⅣC及PCⅢ可以做为反映肝纤维化程度的指标之一。 【关键词】 透明质酸 Ⅲ型前胶原 Ⅳ型胶原 慢性肝炎 肝硬化
A Study on the relationship between serum levels of hyaluronic acid, type Ⅲ procollagen, type Ⅳ collagen and hepatic fibrosis
XIE Shibing, YAO Jilu, ZHENG Rongqin, et al. Department of Infectious Diseases, Thrid Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Science, Guangzhou 510630
【Abstract】 Objective To study the relationship between levels of hyaluronic acid (HA), type Ⅲ procollagen (PCⅢ), type Ⅳ collagen (ⅣC) and hepatic fibrosis.Methods These 3 serum components were measured in 114 patients with chronic hepatitis B(CHB) by radioimmunoassay. Liver biopsy as well as serum HA, PCⅢ and ⅣC detection were performed at the same time in all patients, the results of which were compared with hepatic histological findings diagnosed by the standard of hepatic histological grade and stage.Results Serum concentration of HA, PCⅢ and ⅣC were increased with the progression of disease, and reached the highest leves in liver cirrhosis. These components were also increased with the progression of hepatic histological grade and stage, and reached the highest levels in grade 4 and stage 4. The serum levels of HA、PC Ⅲ and ⅣC all were positively correlated with inflammation activity and fibrosis of the liver (P<0.05), but more closely correlated with hepatic fibrosis.Conclusion The results suggest that determination of serum HA、PCⅢ and ⅣC may be of value in diagnosing hepatic fibrosis. 【Key words】 Hyaluronic acid Type Ⅲ procollagen Type Ⅳ collagen Chronic hepatitis B Liver cirrhosis
由于肝穿刺难于重复开展,近年来人[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 转化生长因子 1在慢性乙型肝炎患者肝细胞损伤和肝纤维化形成中的意义 下一个医学论文: 口服丙型肝炎复合多表位DNA减毒鼠伤寒沙门活菌苗的实验研究