NOD小鼠口服胰岛素对胰岛Fas及其配体表达的影响 |
李玉秀 王 孙琦 杨国华
【摘要】 目的 观察口服胰岛素对NOD小鼠糖尿病和胰岛炎发生情况的影响以及观察口服免疫耐受后胰岛Fas和Fas配体(FasL)表达的改变情况。方法 将雌性NOD小鼠64只,随机分为两组:一组(30只)给予磷酸缓冲液(PBS)500μl,另一组(34只)给予胰岛素1mg加PBS 500μl,5周龄开始给药,第1周两次,以后每周一次至30周。采用免疫组化染色法观察了口服免疫耐受治疗后NOD小鼠胰岛组织Fas和FasL的改变情况。结果 口服胰岛素能明显减少胰岛炎和糖尿病的发生,对照组14周龄即出现糖尿病而胰岛素组26周龄才出现糖尿病,26周龄时两组的发病率分别为11%和79%(P<0.001),Fas出现在糖尿病小鼠而FasL出现在胰岛素喂饲后的小鼠。结论 口服胰岛素能明显减少胰岛炎和糖尿病的发生,口服胰岛素诱导的FasL表达在胰岛素阻止糖尿病和胰岛炎的发生机制中起一定的作用。 【关键词】 免疫耐受 NOD鼠 Fas Fas配体
Oral administration of insulin to NOD mice affected Fas and Fas ligand expression
LI Yuxiu,WANG Heng,SUN Qi,et al.Department of Endocrinology,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing,100730
【Abstract】 Objective To detect the effects of oral administration of recombination human insulin on inhibiting diabetes and on Fas/Fas ligand expression in islets of Langerhans in female NOD mice. Methods 64 female NOD mice were divided into two groups. Beginning from 5 weeks of age one group (n=34) was orally administered recombination human insulin 1mg in 50μl PBS and the other (n=30), 500μl PBS only; twice for the first week and then once weekly until 30 weeks of age. Fas ligand and Fas expression on islets of Langerhans in both groups of NOD mice were examined by immunohistochemical techniques. Results Oral administration of insulin to female NOD mice could significantly suppress diabetes and insulitis. The insulitis is less severe in the group fed insulin than that in the control group (Score of insulitis 1.25±0.45 vs 3.00±0.76 at 16 weeks of age, P<0.01). Fas only expressed on islets of the mice suffering from diabetes, whereas Fas ligand expressed on islets of the mice fed with insulin and did not express on the islets of mice fed with PBS. Conclusion Oral administration of insulin affects autoimmune diabetes and insulitis in NOD mice. The immune mechanism of oral tolerance is closely related to the change in Fas ligand/ Fas system. [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 2型糖尿病患者的脂蛋白 a 浓度和载脂蛋白 a 分型 下一个医学论文: 参麦注射液对骨关节炎模型动物关节液中白细胞介素