类风湿关节炎抑郁情况调查 |
姜林娣 季建林 王吉耀 梅振武 倪立清
【摘 要】 目的 调查中国类风湿关节炎(RA)病人的临床抑郁情况。方法 95例未经治疗的初诊活动性RA病人填写抑郁自评量表(self-raring depression scale,SDS)。结果 53%RA病人具有抑郁临床表现,其中以易激怒、性兴趣减退、能力减退、睡眠障碍、兴趣丧失、绝望、生活空虚感等抑郁症状常见。临床生理指标如关节压痛数/指数(P<0.01)、关节肿胀数/指数(P<0.01)、握力(P=0.02)与抑郁临床表现较晨僵(P=0.32)有更密切相关性。抑郁临床表现病人中,以高中以下文化程度者(P=0.03)、工人、农民和个体劳动者为主(P=0.05)。结论 在RA病人中存在着严重的抑郁症状、提醒我们在今后的治疗方案选择和疗效评定上要关注病人心理和情绪。 【关键词】 关节炎,类风湿 抑郁 量表
Depression in rheumatoid arthritis
JIANG Lindi JI Jianlin WANG Jiyao,et al (Zhongshan Hospital,Shanghai Medical University,Shanghai 200032)
【Abstract】 Objective To study the state of the depression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in China.Methods Ninety-five initial RA patients which were not given 2nd or 3rd line therapeutic agents filled in the self-rating depression scale (SDS).Results Fifty-three percent of the subjects the majority of whom were worker,peasant,self-employed laborer (P=0.05) or whose cultural level was no more than junior middle school (P=0.03) showed abnormally high score of SDS.A high frequency of depressed symptoms including enrage,loss of libido,incompetent,difficult to sleep,loss of interest,despair,and life devoid of meaning etc.Clinical measures such as joint tenderness count / score,joint swelling count /score (P<0.01),grip strength (P=0.02) were more interrelated than duration of morning stiffness (P=0.32).Conclusion There is serious depression in rheumatoid arthritis.It is emphasized that attention is paid to the patients for their psychology and depression in the treatment and evaluation of RA. 【Key words】 Arthritis,rheumatoid Depression Questionnaire
1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料:1997年7月—1998年7月就诊于上海医科大学附属中山医院和光华医院风湿科门诊部的95例初诊RA病人,诊断符合1987年ARA修订标准〔1〕。患者均处活动期,且病程不超过2年,以往未使用过改变病情药物。活动性类风关标准〔2〕:①休息时有中等程[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: A组链球菌壁多糖的抗原性及交叉反应性研究 下一个医学论文: 系统性红斑狼疮并发无菌性骨坏死的危险因素分析