Octreotide治疗Graves眼病机理探讨 |
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【摘要】 目的 探讨Octreotide对细胞因子刺激后的人眼球后成纤维细胞的细胞间粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)表达及DNA合成的影响。方法 应用细胞培养技术,测定 加入细胞因 子及Octreotide后ICAM-1表达和DNA合成情况。结果 TNF-α(103U/ml)、γ-INF(100U/ml)和IL-1β(100U/ml)均能强烈刺激眼球后成纤维细胞表面ICAM-1表达,而低浓度(即药理浓度)Octreotide能明显地抑制这种刺激作用,但所需浓度及发挥抑制作用的时间各不相同;同样,低浓度Octreotide也能抑制细胞因子(除IL-1β外)刺激的DNA合成。结论 Octreotide治疗Graves 眼病的作用途径部分是通过抑制细胞因子的作用,使ICAM-1表达及DNA合成减少,它可能具有免疫调节的特性。 【关键词】 Octreotide Graves 眼病 细胞间粘附分子-1
Investigation of the mechanism by which octreotide acts on Graves Ophthalmopathy
HUANG Qin,ZOU Dajin. Department of Endocrinology, Changhai Hospital,Shanghai,200433
【Abstract】 Objective Effects of octreotide on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression and DNA synthesis in cultured retroocular fibroblasts following stimulation by cytokines. Methods With cytokines and octreotide added to cultured retroocular fibroblasts, ICAM-1 expression and DNA synthesis were measured. Results Some cytokines, such as TNF-α (103U/ml), γ-INF (100U/ml) and IL-1β (100U/ml) significantly stimulated the ICAM-1 expression by retroocular fibroblasts. Octreotide at low concentration markedly inhibited this stimulating effect. But the concentration and time needed for the inhibition were different. Octreotide in low concentration also inhibited the DNA synthesis which had been stimulated by some cytokines (except IL-1β). Conclusion The mechanism by which octreotide acts on Graves ophthalmopathy is in part by inhibiting the effect of cytokines. Octreotide may have immunomodulatory properties. 【Key words】 Octreotide Graves ophthalmopathy Intercellular adhesion molecule-1
(Chin J Endocrinol Metab, 1999,15:279-282)
Octreotide是一种长效的类似生长抑素的药物。近年有作者将它用于治疗Graves 眼病(Graves ophthalmopathy, GO)和胫前粘液性水肿,取得了一定的疗效,但其确切作用机理尚未明了。本文用肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)等细胞因子刺激人眼球后成纤维细胞,通过测定细胞间粘附分子(intercellular adhesion molecule, ICAM)-1表达和DNA合成来初步探讨Octreotide[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 甲状腺激素对新生期大鼠下丘脑Go蛋白 亚单位的影响 下一个医学论文: 天津市20年甲状腺疾病发病的变化 天津医科大学总医院临床病理资料分析