膳食中抗氧化维生素摄入量与冠心病事件发病率的关系 |
赵连成 周北凡 杨军 张红叶 武阳丰 李莹
【摘要】 目的 探讨不同人群平均胡萝卜素及其他抗氧化维生素的摄入量与冠心病事件发病率的关系。方法 在我国13个人群中进行心血管病发病监测,并在抽样人群中进行了心血管病危险因素调查(包括膳食调查)。结果 各人群胡萝卜素的平均摄入量(男性421~1 416 μg/1 000 Kcal、女性573~2 114 μg/1 000 Kcal)与冠心病事件标化发病率(男性1/10万至154/10万,女性0/10万至77/10万)呈显著负相关(r=-0.4231,P=0.03)。在控制性别、人群平均体重指数、舒张压和血清总胆固醇后,多元直线回归分析显示人群胡萝卜素的平均摄入量仍与冠心病事件有显著的负关联(β=-0.3556,P=0.0118,R2=0.80)。结论 增加人群中富含胡萝卜素的深色蔬菜的摄入量可能有助于冠心病的预防。 【关键词】 胡萝卜素 冠状动脉疾病 流行病学
Dietary antioxidant vitamins intake and incidence of coronary heart disease ZHAO Liancheng, ZHOU Beifan, YANG Jun, et al. Fu Wai Hospital and Cardiovascular Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Scinces & Peking Umion Medical College, Beijing 100037 【Abstract】 Objective To assess the relationship between incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and dietary intake of carotene and other antioxidant vitamins (Vit C, Vit E). Methods The incidence of cardiovascular disease was monitored according to MONICA procedure among 100 000 residents in each of 13 populations from different parts of China in 1991-1995. A random cluster sample of 1 000 (35-59 years, men and women) was drawn from each population for survey of CHD risk factors with a 1/10 sub-samples for 3 consecutive days 24-hour dietary interviews (dietary data was available for 13 populations). Results The age-standardized (25-74years) incidence of CHD was 1-154/100 000 for men and 0-75/100 000 for women among 13 populations. Only the mean daily intake of carotene (421 μg-1416 μg/1 000 K cal, 573 μg-2114 μg/1 000 Kcal for men and women) was significantly inversely correlated with the incidence of CHD (r=-0.423 1, P=0.03) by simple correlation analysis. The major sources of carotene were deep colored vegetables, which provided 38-91 % of carotene among populations. The results of multiple linear regression showed that mean daily intake of carotene and the intake ratio of deep colored vegetables to total vegetables were signifi[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 冠心病和脑梗塞患者载脂蛋白B基因多态性研究 下一个医学论文: 人群膳食结构干预对血压均值的影响