involved lymphnodes are taken out for histopathology. Results Serum CA19-9 in- creased significantly in both of the 2 patients. B-mode ultrasonography and CT demonstrated occupied lesions in the body or tail of the pancreas as well retroperitoneal lymphadenectasis or multiple matastasis foci in the liv- er.Upon surgical operation,infiltrated malignant tumors were found at the tail or the body of the pancreases and matastasis foci in different size on the peritonum,the liver,hepatoduodenal ligment,root of mesenterium and pel- vic cavity.And pancreatic adenocarcinoma was confirmed by histopathology. Conclusion Very occasionally a few caseswith pancreatic cancer are predominated by pain in the left lower quardrum of the abdomen.Great at- tention should be paid not only to typical clinical manifestations of the patients with pancreatic cancer but also to those who have atypical abdominal symptoms if they are susceptibles.Only with alert mind and modern tech- niques will early diagnosis and early treatment be achieved.
【Key words】 pancreas neoplasms;diagnosis
如何实现胰腺癌早期诊断的问题目前仍然未能解决。 不少患者早期临床表现不典型,又缺乏敏感的特异性肿瘤 标记。而且,胰腺这一腹膜后脏器解剖位置隐蔽,一般诊断 技术难以发现病变并获取病理依据,加之胰腺癌生物学行 为恶性程度高,及至确立诊断之际,患者大都已近晚 期 [1,2] 。虽然都认为胰腺癌患者的临床表现主要有上腹隐 痛、黄疸、消瘦等,但我科最近收治了2例以左下腹痛为主诉,最后确诊为胰腺体、尾部癌的患者。为提高临床诊断胰 腺癌的水准,现将有关资料报告以下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 病例资料
例1,男,72岁。因“左下腹痛3个月余, 发现乙状结肠多发息肉”于2004年9月15日入院。患者 左下腹痛呈钝痛,持续性,逐渐加重,夜间重于白天。体重 下降2kg左右。患者曾分别在2家医院内科、普外科、泌尿 外科就诊,并在普外科急诊住院检查过。泌尿系统超声检 查等未见异常。全结肠镜检查发现乙状结肠多发性息肉 (山田Ⅳ型)、升结肠憩室。病理报告为乙状结肠绒毛-管状腺瘤,灶区上皮轻度不典型增生。患者既往有糖尿病史 近两年。血糖7.0~9.3mmol/L,饮食控制治疗。另有吸烟 史50年,每日40支左右。患者发病以来,食欲略差,大、小 便正常。为行结肠息肉内镜治疗收住入消化内科。体格检 查:患者体型消瘦。皮肤巩膜无黄染。浅表淋巴结无肿大
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