【摘要】 目的 利用SYSMEX KX-21血液分析仪对尿中的红细胞进行尿红细胞平均体积(MCV)及其分布宽度(RDW)的测定,评价鉴别血尿来源的诊断价值。方法 本文采用血球计数仪测定112例血尿患者尿红细胞平均体积(MCV)及其分布宽度(RDW),其中肾小球性血尿(G-HMT)39例,非肾小球性血尿(NG-HMT)63例。结果 G-HMT 的MCV明显小于NG-HMT的MCV,以73 fl为界,尿MCV≥73 fl提示NG-HMT,<73fl提示G-HMT,RDW间差异具有显著性(P<0.01),其诊断准确性高,是简单无创伤性的检查。结论 测定尿中MCV及RDW诊断血尿来源具有较高的临床诊断价值。
【关键词】 血尿;血液分析仪;尿红细胞平均体积;尿红细胞分布宽度
Diagnosis value for identifying source of hematuria by detecting of MCV and RDW in urine
XIAO Hong,XU Bin.Department of Clinical Laboratory,Tianshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Changning District,Shanghai 200051,China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the diagnosis value of the source of hematuria through detection of urine MCV and RDW by SYSMEX KX-21 hematoanalyser.Methods The urine samples were collected from 112 patients with 39 patients of G-HMT and 63 patients of NG-HMT.Urine MCV and RDW were analyzed by hematoanalyser.Results The urine MCV patients with G-HMT were smaller than that with NG-HMT.The urine MCV value with more than 73 fl could be diagnosed as NG-HMT;and the MCV value with less than 73 fl as G-HMT.The accuracy of diagnose was high.There was significant difference between the RDW with G-HMT and with NG-HMT(P<0.01).Conclusion There are clinical diagnosis value for identifying the source of hematuria by the detecting of urine MCV and RDW.
[Key words] hematuria;hematoanalyser;urine MCV;urine RDW
血尿是泌尿系统疾病较为常见的临床症状,但怎样鉴别血尿的来源,一直是较为困难的问题。目前临床较为普遍采用肾病理活检或相差显微镜观察尿红细胞来诊断血尿来源,但是由于肾病理活检是具有创伤性的检查,而显微镜观察尿红细胞形态受个人工作经验、主观因素、尿渗透压、红细胞数量及离心过程等诸多因素影响,其准确性也将受到一定限制。我们建立的利用SYSMEX KX21血液分析仪检测尿红细胞体积(MCV)及其分布宽度(RDW),其方法简便,结果准确,适用于各级实验室,临床上初步应用有一定的意义。对鉴别诊断血尿来源具有较高的临床诊断价值。
1 资料与方法
1.1 实验对象 112例血尿患者中,肾小球性血尿39例(急性肾炎28例,慢性肾炎11例),非肾小球性血尿63例 (肾输尿管结石15例,前列腺炎7例,慢性肾盂肾炎3例,肾癌9例,膀胱炎3例,膀胱癌8 例,尿路感染8例,前列腺癌10例)。
1.2 仪器及试剂 日本东亚公司SYSMEX KX21血液分析仪及分析仪原装配套试剂。
1.3 方法 使用SYSMEX KX21血液分析仪对血样及尿样进行检测,具体操作如下:(1)取患者EDTA抗凝血直接进行血常规检测,提
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