sured.ResultsThe animal study showed that the amount of urinary albumin excretion(UAE)in fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemia rats(Group F)was very small.The renal histological changes were mild with less lipid deposit within glomeruli or tubulo-interstitium.The adriamycin-induced nephrotic rats with endogenous hypertriglyceridemia were fed with food containing 10% fructose(Group FA).The serum triglyceride level and amount of UAE in group FA rats were higher than those in group F,and the renal histological changes were exacerbated,lipid deposit could be seen in glomeruli and interstitium.The amount of fibronectin and transforming growth factor β(TGF-β)in renal cortex both increased.After serum triglyceride were decreased by fenofibrate,there were less lipid deposition in kidneys of rats(Group FAB),the UAE decreased and renal histological changes improved.The amount of FN and TGF-β in renal cortexes were down-regulated.ConclusionThese results indicated that hypertriglyceridemia expresses nephrotoxicity to rats and may exacerbate adriamycin-induced nephropathy.Triglyceride may do more harm to kidneys of animals and human than we had understood.
Key wordstriglycerideadriamycin-induced nephropathyrenal histological changetransforming growth factor-βfibronectin
1.2动物分组大鼠在适应性喂养2周后,按照完全随机设计原则分为5组:(1)正常对照组(C组,n=6):大鼠接受单次尾静脉注射6ml/kg体重的生理盐水,饮自来水;(2)果糖饲喂组(F组,n=6):大鼠接受单次尾静脉注射6ml/kg体重的生理盐水,饮含10%果糖的自来水;(3) ADR肾病组(A组,n=8):大鼠接受单次尾静脉注射6mg/kg的阿霉素溶液,饮自来水;(4)ADR肾病+果糖饲喂组(FA组,n=10):大鼠接受单次尾静脉注射6mg/kg的阿霉素溶液,饮含10%果
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