[摘要] 目的 理气通降法治疗痞满(功能性消化不良)肝胃不和型的临床疗效观察。方法 将符合诊断标准的60例患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各30例,治疗组以理气通降法治疗,用基本方加减,对照组给予柴胡疏肝汤。服药方法相同,4个星期为1个疗程。结果 治疗组总有效率为90.0%,对照组总有效率为76.7%。治疗总有效率比较:P<0.01,差异有极显著性,治疗组对胃脘腹胀满、恶心呕吐、大便不爽、反酸嗳气、饮食减少症状改善与对照组比较,差异有显著性。 结论 肝气郁滞、胃失和降为功能性消化不良肝胃不和证之病机关键,治疗以理气通降为大法。
[关键词] 理气通降法;功能性消化不良;肝胃不和;临床研究
Clinical study of Li Qi Tong Jiang method to treat functional dyspepsia of type of Gan Wei Bu He
LV Ying,LI Zhao-hui.Tongzhou Orthopedic Hospital,Beijing 101100,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the etiology,pathogenesis and treatment principles of the Li Qi Tong Jiang method in treating Gan Wei Bu He type of functional dyspepsia.Methods Sixty cases of FD were divided into two groups randomly.The treatment group (30 cases) was treated with formulated Li Qi Tong Jiang oral granula subtilae and the control group (30 cases) treated with Cai Hu Su Gan oral granula subtilae.The clinical effects were observed during and after the course of 4 weeks. Results The total effective rate of treatment group is 90.0%.The total effective rate of control group is 76.3%.There was statistically significant difference in the total effective rate between the treatment group and control group (P<0.05).The formulated Li Qi Tong Jiang oral granula subtilae could significantly ease the symptoms.The symptoms of abdominal distention,epigastric discomfort,nausea,loss of appetite,Da Bian Bu Shuang have eased significantly. Conclusion Gan Qi Yu Zhi,Wei Shi He Jiang are the key cause of Gan Wei Bu He type of functional dyspepsia (FD).Li Qi Tong Jiang being the key treatement methodology.
[Key words] Li Qi Tong Jiang method;functional dyspepsia;Gan Wei Bu He;clinical study
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 本临床研究选取观察60例,均为中医院门诊
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