【摘要】 目的 探讨纤维素性支气管炎的发病规律、临床特点、诊断要点和治疗方法。方法 对3例经病理确诊的纤维素性支气管炎病人临床资料进行总结。结果 纤维素性支气管炎临床上是以反复或周期性咯血、咯出支气管管型为特点的疾病,多继发于肺部感染性疾病,其发病机制尚未完全清楚,病死率较高。结论 纤维素性支气管炎是一种少见疾病,凝血酶气道内局部使用可能为产生支气管管型的原因之一;治疗的关键在于积极治疗原发病, 消除管型产生的原因;同时应注意加强呼吸道管理,防止支气管管型脱落导致气道阻塞窒息。
【关键词】 纤维素性支气管炎 诊断 治疗学
PLASTIC BRONCHITIS: REPORT OF THREE CASESLI LIAN-DI, LI YU-JUN, LI SHI-FANG, et al (Neuro Intensive Care Unit, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao 266003, China) [ABSTRACT]ObjectiveTo discuss the pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of plastic bronchitis. MethodsA summary was done for clinical data of three patients with plastic bronchitis confirmed pathologically. ResultsPlastic bronchitis, with a relatively high mortality, is a disease characterized by repeated and periodical emptysis and bronchial cast, mostly secondary to pulmonary infection, it’s pathogenesis is unclear. ConclusionPlastic bronchitis is a rare disease, intra-airway use of thrombin may be one of the reasons to form bronchial cast. The key of therapy is to treat primary disease and eliminate the causes of the cast formation. Respiratory management should be enhanced to avoid air way obstruction caused by falling-off cast.
[KEY WORDS]Plastic bronchitis; Diagnosis; Therapeutics
纤维素性支气管炎, 又名管型支气管炎、黏液纤维素性支气管炎、支气管黏液嵌塞综合征等, 迄今命名尚未统一。1951 年由SHAW 首先报道, 认为该病是由于支气管黏膜的炎症、坏死、出血及支气管分泌异常, 导致黏液在支气管内积聚、结块, 形成支气管黏液嵌塞所引起的临床综合征[1]。本病在临床上较为少见,且容易漏诊或误诊。今将我科收治的3例报告如下。
1 临床资料
例1,男,59岁,因外伤后昏迷1个月,反复咯血4 d入院。诊断为重度颅脑损伤、脑挫裂伤、急性硬膜下血肿、脑内血肿、颅内血肿清除术并去骨瓣减压术后;多发肋骨骨折并右肺不张;肺部感染并大咯血;气管切开术后;冠心病。查体:T 38.7 ℃,P 112 min-1,R 20 min-1,BP 17/10 kPa。病人呈昏迷状态,两侧瞳孔等大等圆,直径3 mm,对光反应迟钝,气管切开,右肺呼吸音低,两肺闻及干啰音。心律规则,心率96 min-1,未闻及杂音。双上肢肌力0级,右下肢肌力Ⅰ级,左下肢肌力Ⅴ级,右Babinskin征(+)。CT示右下肺实变,少量胸腔积液。实验室检查: 血常规Hb 96 g/L,WBC 16.21×109/L,N 0.78, PLT 314×109/L。气道分泌物培养出大肠埃希菌(ESBLs)、铜绿假单胞菌、克柔假丝酵母菌。根据药物敏感实验结果给予美洛培南、伏立康唑抗感染治疗,同时给予凝血酶肌肉注射、气管内凝血酶生理盐水稀释后气管内注入等止血措施。2 d后病人出现咯血,并咯出“烂肉样”
[1] [2] [3] 下一页