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IL 17 在沙眼衣原体呼吸道感染中的早期表达及其与机体防御关系

  【摘要】 目的:探讨炎症性细胞因子IL17在沙眼衣原体呼吸道感染中的早期表达及与机体防御的关系。方法:用沙眼衣原体小鼠肺炎株(MoPn)通过鼻腔感染小鼠,用IFA检测衣原体在肺组织的生长;通过ELISA检测小鼠肺组织IL17、IL6、IL8、TNFα、IL1α和IL1β等炎症性细胞因子表达。结果:MoPn感染后第1天,肺组织有衣原体生长,于感染后第8天达高峰;感染后第2天,IL17在小鼠肺组织中的表达达峰值,并很快下降;TNFα、IL1α、IL1β和IL6在感染后第3天达到峰值,而IL8则在第8天出现高峰。结论:IL17在衣原体肺炎早期出现,能提高局部IL6,IL8,TNFα,IL1α,IL1β的表达。这些结果显示IL17早期表达可能作为固有免疫反应成分在起动宿主抵御细胞内病原体感染中发挥重要的作用。

  【关键词】 衣原体/沙眼;IL17;呼吸道感染;小鼠

  The Early IL17 Expression in Chlamydia Trachomatis Respiratory

  Infection and Its Relationship with Immune Defence

  ZHANG Xiaoyun1,XU Zhiwei1,GAO Lifen2,et al

  1.Department of Biochemistry,Hebei North University,Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei,China;

  2.Department of Microbiology and Immunology,University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,

  7703 Floyd Curl Drive,San Antonio,78229,Texas,USA

  【ABSTRACT】 Objective:To evaluate the early IL17 expression in Chlamydia trachomatis respiratory infection and its relationship with immune defence. Methods:A murine model of pneumonia induced by intranasal inoculation with Chlamydia trachomatis mouse pneumonitis(MoPn,now classified as a new species C.muridarum)biovar was used for the study. Chlamydial growth in the lung was assessed by inoculating HeLa cell monolayer with lung homogenates followed by IFA. IL17 and other cytokines such as TNFα,IL6,IL8,IL1αand IL1βwere measured by ELISA. Results:Chlamydial growth in the lung was found on the 1st day after infection,and reached its peak on the 8th day with subsequent decline in quantity. IL17 peaked at 48h while other cytokines peaked on the 3rd day(e.g. TNFα,IL6,IL1αand IL1β)or later(IL8). Conclusion:IL17 is produced early in airway upon Chlamydia trachomatis,it can enhance high production of TNFα,IL6,IL8,IL1αand IL1β in the lung. These suggest that an early IL17 response as an innate immunity component should play an important role in initiating host defense against infect

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