【摘要】 目的 观察静脉用 维生素C与促红细胞生成素联合应用治疗尿毒症铁超负荷患者肾性贫血的疗效。方法 选择北京市通州区潞河医院血透中心18 例患者,其血清铁(SF)>800 ng/mL,和或铁饱和度(TSAT)>50%,将维生素C 1.0 g加入0.9%生理盐水100 mL中于每次透析结束前半小时泵后静脉滴注,观察12 周,进行自身对照,记录用药前后患者Hb,Hct,SF,TSAT的变化。结果 治疗12 周后,患者Hb,Hct上升,SF,TSAT下降,与用药前比有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 尿毒症维持性血液透析铁超负荷患者联合应用维生素C与促红细胞生成素可提高血红蛋白水平,改善贫血。
【关键词】 维生素C促红细胞生成素;尿毒症 ;肾性贫血
Therapeutic Effect (Observation) of Vitamin C Combined withErythropoietin in the Patients of Renal AnemiaLIU Yongquan,YUE Lingju
(Tongzhou Luhe Hospital,Beijing 101149 China)Abstract:Objective To observe the efficiency of intravenous vitamin C combined with erythropoietin in the treatment of renal anemia. Methods 14 uremia patients in Haemodialysis center of the Luhe Hospital with serum ferritin (SF)>800ng/ml and transferrin saturation (TSAT)>50% were chosen. These patients received intravenous transfusion of vitamin C 1.0g added to 100ml 0.9% NS half an hour before the finish of the dialysis. The observation lasted 12 weeks. The changes of Hb, Hct, SF, and TSAT were determined before and after the treatment, using data before the treatment as control. Results Hb and Hct increased while SF and TSAT decreased significantly in statistics in these patients after 12-week treatment, compared with data before the treatment (P<0.01). Conclusions Combination of vitamin C and erythropoietin is effective in improving the Hb levels in the uremia patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis with iron overload.
Key words:vitamin C; erythropoieti; renal anemia
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选取2006年3月至2007年6月在我院血透中心进行规律血液透析的病人18 例,原发病为慢性肾小球 肾炎7 例,高血压肾病4 例,糖尿病肾病7 例。其中男10 例,女8 例。年龄48~73 岁,透析时间>12 个月。入选标准:①规律透析1 年以上,透析频率3 次/周,4 小时/次;②SF&g
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