【摘要】 目的 评价经内镜探条扩张术联合光动力疗法(PDT)及局部化疗治疗食管贲门癌性狭窄的临床疗效。方法 食管贲门癌患者91例,按治疗方法分为对照组(PDT联合局部化疗)和联合扩张治疗组(经内镜探条扩张联合PDT及局部化疗)。所有病例以3~5 mg/kg剂量的血啉甲醚静脉滴注,用药后3 h内于肿瘤病变处注射化疗药物(5-Fu)并激光照射。联合扩张治疗组41例在以上治疗前3天内进行经内镜探条扩张治疗。结果 联合扩张治疗组吞咽困难缓解率显著高于对照组。近期疗效及平均生存期2组间无显著差异。结论 经内镜扩张术联合PDT及局部化疗可显著改善食管贲门癌性狭窄临床症状。
【关键词】 光动力疗法 局部化疗 探条扩张 食管贲门癌 癌性狭窄
Endoscopic splender dilation combined with photodynamic therapy and
local chemotherapy for treatment of esophagocadial cancer stenosis
MA Wenqing, ZHANG Nanzheng, ZHU Yun, PAN Wu,SHAO Aili
(Department of Gastroenterology, the 97th Hospital of PLA, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221004, China)
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of endoscopic splender dilation combined with photodynamic therapy(PDT) and local chemotherapy in treatment of esophagocadial cancer stenosis.Methods 91 patients with advanced esophagocadial cancer were divided into two groups: the control group (to receive PDT and local chemotherapy) and the test group (to receive endoscopic splender dilation plus PDT and local chemotherapy). All of the patients were given local injection of chemical drug (5-Fu) and laser irradiation within three hours after intravenous injection of hermimether 3~5 mg/kg. In the 41 patients of test group, endoscopic splender dilation was carried out three days before local chemotherapy and PDT.Results The rate of dysphagia remission was higher in the test group than in the control group, but no significant differences were found in short term efficacy and average survival time between the two groups.Conclusion Endoscopical splender dilation combined with photodynamic therapy and local chemotherapy is effective in alleviating the patients′ symptom of esophagocadial cancer stenosis.
Key words: photodynamic therapy; local chemotherapy; Gilliard dilation; esophagocardial cancer; cancer stenosis
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