【摘要】 目的:探讨老年性下消化道大出血保守治疗策略。方法:我院2007年2月~2009年4月门诊及住院31例经胃镜证实为下消化道大出血患者,均予生长抑素首剂250μg静脉推注后,续以250μg/h的速度连续静滴72h,观察止血效果。结果:用药后24h、48h、72h止血率分别为61.3%、80.6%和87.1%,有效止血开始起效时间为(6.6±5.0)h,出血停止时间为(12.0±9.4)h。除1例患者首剂静脉推注时有一过性恶心、呕吐外,其余患者未见副作用。结论:生长抑素能安全、有效地治疗下消化道大出血。
【关键词】 下消化道大出血;抢救;生长抑素
Hemorrhage of lower digestive tract in 31 old patients
Yang Jianhui
(Department of Internal Medicine, Shipai Hospital in Dongguan Dongguan 523330, China)
[ABSTRACT] Objective: To explore effective treatments for hemorrhage of lower digestive tract in old patients. Methods: Thirtyone senile patients who visited our hospital during February 2007 and April 2009,and were confirmed as hemorrhage of lower digestive tract were treated with an initial dosage of 250μg somatoastatin, followed by a 72hour continuous infusion of 250μg /h. The treatment effects were observed. Results: Bleeding was under control in 61.3%、80.6% and 87.1% patients 24, 48 and 72 hours after the treatment. Time of initial effectiveness was (6.6±5.0) h, and time for complete control was (12.0±9.4)h. Only one case showed nausea and vomiting during the administration of the initial dosage of somatostatin. No other side effect was observed in any case. Conclusion: Somatostatin is effective and safe for treating hemorrhage of lower digestive tract.
[KEY WORDS] Hemorrhage of lower digestive tract; Rescue; Somatostatin
1 资料与方法
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