【摘要】 目的 评价汇集滤白细胞血小板的质量和临床效果。方法 用白膜层法制备手工浓缩血小板,再以60~70 mL/min的速度对汇集血小板进行白细胞过滤。30袋汇集滤白细胞血小板过滤前后分别进行血小板含量、白细胞残留量检测和细菌培养,并观察87例出血患者(血液病16例、非血液病71例)输注后24 h疗效。结果 30袋汇集滤白细胞血小板过滤前后血小板含量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),白细胞残留量差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),细菌培养均为阴性。非血液病出血患者输注汇集滤白细胞血小板的有效率是85.9%,而血液病患者输注有效率是75.0%。结论 汇集滤白细胞血小板质量指标均达到单采血小板国家质量标准,临床应用效果良好。
【关键词】 白细胞过滤;汇集血小板;临床应用;白膜层法
Preparation and clinical application of leukocytefiltrated platelet concentrate
CHEN Longju1,CHENG Yayuan1,LIU Yiming2, LIANG Qilong1, SUN Tiangang3, ZHOU Mingxin4 (1.Central Blood Station of Maoming, Maoming 525000,China)
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the quality and clinical effectiveness of leukocytefiltrated platelet concentrate. Methods The platelet concentrate was prepared manually by buffy coat, and then filtrated at the speed of 70 mL/min for removal of leukocyte.Thirty bags of platelet concentrates were detected by platelet and WBC count and bacterial culture before and after leukocyte filtration.The 24h clinical efficacy in 87 patients with hemorrhagic disease (hematologic diseases, 16; nonhematologic diseases, 71)was observed after infusion of leukocytefiltrated platelet concentrate. Results Platelet count remained intact (P>0.05)and bacterial culture was negative, but WBC count decreased obviously (P<0.01)after leukocyte filtration in 30 bags of platelet concentrates.The effective rates were 85.9% and 75.0% in nonhematologic and hematologic patients, respectively.Conclusion The quality of the leukocytefiltrated platelet concentrate meets the state criterion for singlesampling platelet, and its clinical efficacy is satisfactory.
Key words: leukocyte filtration; platelet concentrate; clinical application; buffy coat
浓缩血小板(platelet concentrates,PCs)主要是指单采血小板、手工分离浓缩血小板(手工PCs)和冰冻血小板。我国临床应用的主要是单采血小板,手工PCs和冰冻血小板因临床疗效等原因在临床上较少使用。国外对汇集血小板的质量、体外功能活性、临床输注效果等进行了研究,证明其安全有效[1],已在临床上广泛应用。目前,我国大部分地区的单采血源不足、单采血小板远不能满足临床用血的需要,急诊状态下的血小板供需矛盾尤为
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