【摘要】 目的:评价加替沙星治疗呼吸道细菌感染的临床疗效。 方法:117例呼吸道感染患者随机分为2组,其中治疗组61例,对照组56例,治疗组用加替沙星治疗,对照组用头孢派酮钠进行治疗。 结果:治疗组临床治愈率为60.66%,有效率为90.16%,细菌清除率为83.33%;对照组分别为53.57%,75%,79.49%,治疗组有效率高于对照组,两组差异具有显著性(χ2=4.74 P<0.05)。 结论:加替沙星治疗呼吸道感染疗效确切,可作为呼吸道感染的一线用药。
【关键词】 加替沙星;头孢派酮钠;呼吸道感染
Investigating the Effect of Gatifloxacin in Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infection
SONG Guiqin1, DU Shuting2, XING Bin3, et al
1.Biochemistry Department,Hebei North University,Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei,China;
2.Physiopathology Department,Hebei North University,Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei,China;
3.Respiratory Department,251st Hospital of PLA,Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei,China
【ABSTRACT】 Objective:To study the effect of gatifloxacin in treating respiratory tract infections. Methods:A randomized, doubleblind clinical design was used in 117 cases to accomplish the clinical trial, in which 61 patients were assigned to therapy group and 56 patients were assigned to control group. Results:The rates of curing, efficacy and bacterial eradication in the therapy group were 60.66%, 90.16% and 83.33% in comparison with 53.57%, 75%, 79.49% in the control group. The rates of efficacy in therapy and control groups
were 90.16% and 75% respectively (χ2=4.74 P<0.05). Conclusions:The effect of gatifloxacin was exact and gatifloxacin can be used as the first chosen drug in the treatment of respiratory tract infections.
【KEY WORDS】 Gatifloxacin; Cefoperazone; Respiratory tract infection
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选择解放军第251医院呼吸内科住院患者117例,均根据临床症状、体征、辅助检查确诊为呼吸道感染,48小时内未接受过抗生素治疗,并排除孕妇、哺乳期妇女及对喹诺酮类药物过敏和肝肾功能异常者。117例患者随机分成2组:治疗组61例,其中男性34例,女性27例;年龄19~71岁,平均52.73岁;其中上呼吸道感染23例,急性气管—支气管炎12例,慢性支气管炎急性发作16例,支气管扩张伴感染7例,肺恶性肿瘤伴感染3例;对照组56例,其中男性32例,女性24例;年龄21~75岁,平均49.87岁;其中上呼吸道感染21例,急性气管—支气管炎1
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