A was raised increasingly in different cirrhotic cases with different classifications of Child-Pugh, according to severity of the condition. There was a significant positive correlation between serum bilirubin and prothrombin time(PT) and ACA(P<0.01), and asignificant negative correlation between serum albumin and platelet count and ACA(P<0.01). There was no significant correlation bewteen serum ALT, AST, AST/ALT and bile acid with ACA (P≥0.05) and ALT,AST and AST/ALT had a significant effect on ACA (P<0.01),the most significant being AST/ALT. There was a significant positive correlationamong HA,PⅢNP,LN and Ⅳ.C, with ACA; among the above-mentioned four indices,only HA and PⅢNP had a significant effect on ACA (P<0.01),the most significant one being HA. Conclusion:The level of serum ACA in cases with hepatic cirrhosis was raised increasingly with the severity of the condition. CAC had some relationship with and effect on the three indices,i.e. the classification of Child-Pugh, regular hepatic functions and its fibrosizing. The ACC might have some clinical significance forcases with hepatic cirrhosis.
【KEY WORDS】 anticardiolipin antibody; hepatic cirrhosis; clinical significance
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 对2001.10~2002.5月复旦大学华山医院消化科的96例肝炎后肝硬化住院患者进行了前瞻性研究,其中,男77例,女19例,男∶女=4.05∶1;年龄范围36~62岁,平均年龄(49±6.37)岁,年龄、发病高峰与性别构成比基本与肝硬化流行病学相符[1]。按Child-Pugh等级分类,A级25例(男18例,女7例),B级48例(男38例,女10例),C级 23例(男21例,女2例)分成三组,A、B、C各级例数构成比分别是26%,50%和 24%,服从正态分布。
1.2 抗心磷脂抗体(ACA)的检测方法与阳性判定 ACA(IgG、IgM、IgA)检测试剂盒由上海德波生物技术有限公司提供,采用ELISA方法,操作步骤严格按说明书要求进行。用酶标仪在490nm波长读取吸光值(A),ACA结合指数(BI)按下式计算:
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