沙利度胺对血液肿瘤患者内皮细胞功能的影响 |
【摘要】 目的 探讨沙利度胺对血液肿瘤患者内皮细胞功能的影响。方法 检测和比较32例血液肿瘤患者服用沙利度胺前后内皮细胞功能指标:血浆内皮素1(ET1)、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、组织因子(TF)、凝血酶调节蛋白(TM)、凝血因子Ⅴ、血管性血友病因子(vWF)、抗凝血酶(AT)、组织型纤溶酶原激活物(tPA)及纤溶酶原激活物抑制物1(PAI1)的活性。结果 服用沙利度胺后血液肿瘤患者体内的VEGF、TF、TM、vWF、AT活性明显降低(P<0.05或P<0.01),而血浆ET1水平比治疗前显著升高(P<0.05),其余指标无明显改变(P>0.05)。结论 沙利度胺可以影响内皮细胞功能,抑制新生血管的增生,从而在血液肿瘤治疗中发挥作用。 【关键词】 沙利度胺; 血液肿瘤; 内皮细胞功能
Influences of Thalidomide on Function of Endothelial Cells in Patients with Hematologic Tumors
ZOU Lifang,DOU Hongju,YAO Yiyun,HU Junpei
(Department of Hematolgy,Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200011,China)
Abstract: Objective To assess the influences of thalidomide on function of endothelial cells in patients with hematologic tumors.Methods We evaluated makers of endothelial cells,including serum levels of endothelin1,thrombomodulin,tissue factor,vascular endothelial growth factor as well as activities of coagulation factor V, von Willebrand factor,antithromobin,tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor1 during treatment with thalidomide in 32 patients with hematologic tumors.Results It was found that activities of VEGF,TF,TM,vWF and AT significantly decreased (P<0.05 or P<0.01),while the serum leve[1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 体外血小板流动腔研究方法的建立和应用 下一个医学论文: 习惯性流产的抗凝血酶原抗体IgG IgM检测的初步应用