肝素联合华法林治疗脑静脉窦血栓形成12例临床探讨 |
he first day aPTT was checked every 6 hours ,in 24 hours aPTT checked every 12 hours at least,to keep aPTT with 1.5~2.5 times of control value.If APTT exceed 2.5 times of control value ,reduce the dose of heparin to a half;if aPTT exceed 3 times, take out of service heparin for 1~2 hours,and reduce the dose of heparin to a half;if aPTT can not reach 1.5 times of control value after 24 hours, increase the dose of heparin 250 u/h .It did not stop to use heparin until INR was 2.0~3.0 for two days. Warfarin was take orally according to Roberts warfarin dosing guidelines, international normalised ratio (INR) were performed every day to determine the next days’ warfarin dose for five days. Warfarin were maintenance 3~6 months.(INR 2.0~3.0). Results There were 8 cases treated with intravenous heparin 1 000 u/h.aPTT of 7 cases reached 1.5~2.5 times in 24 hours , 5 cases reached 2.5 ~3 times in 24~36 hours, 2 cases reached more than 3 times in 36 hours,1case could not reach 1.5 times in 24 hours.There were 4 cases treated with intravenous heparin&nb 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 血栓性微血管病的研究进展 下一个医学论文: 弥散性血管内凝血患儿凝血障碍的检测及其临床意义