【摘要】 目的 探讨应用心理干预、抗抑郁剂路优泰与心理干预合并路优泰治疗CRF后抑郁症的疗效及不良反应。方法 应用HADM抑郁量表对入选病例治疗前后进行评定,A组为单纯心理干预,B组应用路优泰每次300 mg,每日三次服用,C组心理干预合并路优泰共12周。结果 治疗后抑郁状态均有所好转,A组与B组差异无显著性(P>0.05),C组与A组二者间差异有显著性(P<0.001),提示心理干预合并路优泰改善抑郁状态疗效最明显。不良反应主要是胃肠道反应、头晕、头痛、皮肤反应,程度轻未经特殊处理,均能完成治疗时间。结论 CRF后抑郁症不仅能加重生理的不平衡,影响患者的生存质量,对CRF后异常心理经心理干预,路优泰治疗后抑郁症状明显改善。早期干预CRF后抑郁有利于患者认知和情绪的改善,有利于提高对疾病的整体治疗效果。从而改善CRF患者的生存质量。
【关键词】 慢性肾衰竭;抑郁症;心理干预;路优泰
Clinical research on neurostan combined with psychological intervention in the treatment of depression after chronic renal failure
CHENG Xian-ting,CAO Gui-ying,XU Yan-li,et al.Zhoukou Affiliated Hospital of Henan University,Zhoukou 466000,China
[Abstract] Objective To eavluate the curative effect and adverse and side reaction of psychological intervention combined with the excellent neurostan in the treament of depression after CRF.Methods HADM depression scale was applied to asess medical records before and after the treatment.Group A received simple psychological interventions.Group B received neurostan 300 mg each time,three times daliy.Group C received psychological intervention combined with neurostan for 12 weeks.Results Depression after treatment had improved.The difference was not significant between group A and group B(P>0.05).There was significant difference between group C and group A(P<0.001),which suggested that psychological intervention combined with neurostan could get the most obvious effects in improving depression.The main adverse effects were gastrointestinal reaction,dizziness,headache,skin reaction.The degree of adverse effects was slight and will be able to complete the treatment time.Conclusion Depression after CRF can add to the physiological i
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