冠心病患者经PCI治疗后支架内再狭窄的原因分析 |
lowup coronary angiography was performed in 254 patients with coronary heart disease ,the followup rate was 36.1%,Clinical followup(9.6±6.2)1~30 months. Stent restenosis was defined by coronary angiography(instene restenosis ≥50%)and the patients were assigned as restenosis group(n=101) and non restenosis group(n=153),the restenosis rate 39.8%. Plasma fibrinogen levels and blood lipid were simultaneously measured in 254 patients with coronary heart disease. Plasma fibrinogen concentrations(mg/dl) were assayed by thrombin method.Total cholesterol(TC),triglyceride(TG) and high density lipoproteion(HDL) levels(mmol/L) were assayed by standard enzyme method. The patient’s history was carefully recorded.Diabete mellitus and hypertension have been diagnosis in hospital or there were the case history before.Smoking history is one every day and keeoing over one year.Results in both groups,there were more males in the restenosis group,P<0.01. Plasma fibrinogen levels and smorking people were higher in restenosis group than non restenosis group,P<0.05. Age and blood lipids were not significantly difference in both groups,P>0.05.Coronary severity narrow can increase the rate of instent r 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 老年内科患者血栓前状态的调查及诊断标准的探讨 下一个医学论文: 网织血小板与血常规中血小板相关参数之间的相关性