摘要 目的:探讨异基因骨髓移植(allo-BMT)治疗慢性粒细胞性白血病(CML)骨髓纤维化的效果。方法:以allo-BMT治疗1例CML合并骨髓纤维化患者,并进行临床观察。结果:骨髓纤维化程度明显改善,骨髓有核细胞增生活跃;但白细胞升至正常约需90 d。结论:allo-BMT治疗CML骨髓纤维化有肯定疗效。
Reversal of severe bone marrow fibrosis following allogeneic
bone marrow transplantation for chronic granulocytic
leukemia (one case report)
XUE Mei JI Shu-quan CHEN Hui-ren WANG Heng-xiang ZHU Ling
(Department of Hematology, General Hospital of Air Force, Beijing 100036)
Abstract Objective:To study the reversal of severe bone marrow fibrosis following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (allo-BMT) for chronic granulocytic leukemia.Method:The blood picture, bone marrow aspirates, marrow biopsy and reticulin fibrosis examination were performed before and after allo-BMT.Result:The severe bone marrow fibrosis was found in this patient before allo-BMT by marrow biopsy. The reticulin fibrosis grade was about “”in the corresponding specimen. The patients neutrophil count reached 1.0×109/L, platelet count reached 15×109/L on day +24, and cytogenetic manifestation showed it was donors on day+26 after allo-BMT. The severe marrow fibrosis was an abviously reversible on day +52 showed by marrow biopsy and reticulin fibrosis examination but the hematologic recovery was slow.Conclusion:The severe bone marrow fibrosis can be reversed by allo-BMT in patient with chronic granulocytic leukemia.
Key words Chronic myelocytic Leukemia Myelofibrosis Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
1 资料与方法
患者,男,32岁。因左上腹胀满伴头昏、乏力3个月,于1998年9月入院。曾在当地医院诊断为CML,服用羟基脲治疗。体检:体温36.8℃,脉搏81次/min,心率15次/min,血压120/75 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)。贫血貌,全身皮肤粘膜无黄染、出血点,浅表淋巴结不肿大。胸骨中下段压痛,心肺听诊正常。肝脏未及,脾明显肿大,AB线11 cm ,AC线14 cm, MN线3 cm,质硬,轻触压痛。血象:Hb 61 g/L,WBC 15.8×109/L,分类:杆状0.09, 分叶0.21,嗜酸0.01,嗜碱0.10;中晚幼粒细胞0.39,淋巴0.08,有核红细胞0.06。BPC 474×109/L,Ret 0.032。骨髓检查第1次为干抽,第2次抽吸骨髓液外
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