es (6.25% vs 73.68%, [ WT9.BX P<0.01) and delayed its onset as compared with FIA mice at ag e of 20 weeks. The serum C-peptide levels were significantly higher in GAD group th an that in control group (P<0.05), the lymphocytic inflamma tion of pancreatic islets showed a switch from severe insulitis in control mice to peri-insulitis in GAD-treated mice with the insulitis score decreased marke dly (P<0.01) in the GAD group. A strong proliferative respo nse of CD+8 subsets in splenocytes occured in GAD group, and the imbalance o f CD4/CD8 ratio in control mice was corrected (P<0.01). T he lymphocytes infiltrating islets showed a marked reduction of CD+4 T cells , even the small number of CD+4 subsets existed only outside the islets in GAD-immunized mice. The prevalence of GAD antibody showed no significant di fference between these two groups. Conclusion G ad prevents the onset of type 1 diabetes and reduces the severity of insulitis i n female NOD mice. Its mechanisms seem
to be related to the improvement of CD+ 8 T cell deficiency. 【Key words】 Glutamate decarboxylase; Mice, inbred NOD; Diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent; T-lymphocyte subsets
非肥胖糖尿病(NOD)小鼠是一种自发性自身免疫性糖 尿病(DM)动物模型〔1〕。近几年国内外已有人应用谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)预防1型D M的尝试,表明重组人GAD65、GAD67或其活性肽段对NOD小鼠的1型DM有一定的预防或延缓作 用〔2-6〕。本研究用猪脑GAD早期免疫NOD雌性小鼠,了解其是否具有预防胰岛炎和 糖尿病发生的作用,探讨其可能的作用机制。
1.动物:为NOD/Lt种小鼠。种鼠购自北京中科院实验动物研究所。在标准环境条件下饲养, 繁殖出第一代,取雌性小鼠用于实验。
2.试剂:GAD由本实验室从猪脑提纯〔7〕,为含GAD65和GAD67的混合物,用时稀 释至1 μg/μl;不完全弗氏佐剂(FIA)为Sigma公司产品。其余试剂均为AR规格。
1.小鼠的分组与处理:4周龄时,选体重>10g的雌性小鼠编号后分两组用药:(1)FIA对照组 (19只):生理盐水50 μl与FIA 50 μl混匀后一次性腹腔注射(ip);(2)GAD免疫组(32只): GAD 50 μg与FIA 50 μl混匀后i.p.;两组皆于鼠龄8周时环磷酰胺250 mg/kg i.p.一次, 以加速糖尿病;所有小鼠从4周龄开始,每周测定体重、血糖,确诊糖尿病2周后或鼠龄20周 时处死小鼠;死前用摘眼球法取全血,4℃离心分离血清置-20℃保存以备指标测定;小鼠 死后立即取出胰腺,作如下处理:(1)置苦 味酸-多聚甲醛溶液固定24 h,洗涤数次后80%乙醇保存,备做组织病理检查;(2)用OCT包埋,干冰-丙酮法制成组织冻块,置-70℃备做免疫组化;( 3)1.5%戊二醛固定后送电镜观察;同时取胸腺和脾脏用铝箔包裹后置-70℃备用。
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