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  4 Sandborn WJ, Van Os EC, Zins BJ, Tremaine WJ, Mays DC, Lipsky JJ et al. An intravenous loading dose of azathioprine decreases the time to response in patients with Crohn's disease. Gastroenterology, 1995;109(6):1808-1817

  5 Connel WR, Kamm MA, Dickson M, Balkwill AM, Ritchie JK, Lennard Jones et al. Long-term neoplasia risk after azathioprine treatment in inflammatory bowel disease. Lancet, 1994;343(8908):1249-1252

  6 Feagan BG, McDonald JWD, Rochon J, Laupacis A, Fedorak RN, Kinnear D. Low-dose cyclosporine for the treatment of Crohn's disease. N Engl J Med, 1994;330(26):1846-1851

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  8 Stange EF, Modigliani R, Penna AS, Wood AJ, Feutren G, Smith PR. European trial of cyclosporin in chronic active Crohn's disease: a 12 month study. Gastroenterology, 1995;109(3):774-782

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