摘 要:目的探讨重庆地区HGV感染和基因型特征,了解致病性和传播途径。方法用RT-PCR和ELlSA方法检测685例献血员和76例血液透析患者HGV感染状况,比较肝功能和重叠感染情况并进行部分病例随访;进行HGV5-NCR测序。结果 本地存在HGV感染.血液透析患者HGV RNA阳性率(36%)明显高于献血员抗-HGV阳性率(3%),约半数透析患者HGV合并HCV和HBV感染;基因分型表明属于第3组3b亚型。结论 hGV主要经血传播,感染HGV透析患者未发现有明显致病性;基因分型有助于深入探讨病毒致病性和变异。
Study on molecular epidemiology of hepatitis G virus infection in Chongqing
Jian Ping Liu ,Ya Fei Li(Department of Epidemiology,Third Military Medical University,Chongqing400038,China)
Abstract:AIM to understand the prevalence of HGV infection in Chongqing and mode of transmission as well as molecular biological characteristics of HGV.MIETHODS HGV rNA was detected by RT-PCR and anti-HGV antibody by ELISA. 5-NCR nucleotide sequences of some HGV RNA positive samples were determined and analyzed by molecular evolutionary methods. Four hemodialysis patients and one blood donor with HGV RNApositive were followed up.RESCLTS HGV RNA was positive in 36%(27/76) and anti-HGV in 20% (15/76) with hemodialysis patients, only3% (23/685) of anti-HGV in blood donors. Frequency of blood donating and plasmapheresis were risk factors for HGV infection in blood donors. Of HGV RNA positive patients, 13(48%) and 18 (67%) were observed to be co-infected with HCV and HBV respectively. HGV isolates from Chongqing belonged to 3b subtype of genotype3.CONCLUSION HGV infection may be spread through nosocomial infection besides blood transmission. Follow-up of one year to dialysis patients did not showpathogenicity of HGV.
Keywords:hepatitis g virus; hepatitis G/epidemiology; prevalence; sequence analysis;blood donor; hemodialysis
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