摘 要:目的建立HBV感染人胎肝细胞体外培养系统。方法首先分离、培养人胎肝细胞,然后应用HBV阳性血清感染体外培养的人胎肝细胞;每隔2d收集上清液和肝细胞,应用ELISA,免疫组化法、原位杂交法和斑点杂交法检测上清液和细胞中HBsAg和HBV dNA。结果 上清液中HBsAg在感染后2d~20d均可测出,以感染后4d~16d达高峰(A值在0.22左右)。免疫组化检测细胞中HBsAg呈阳性表达,原位杂交和斑点杂交检测细胞和上清液中HBV dNA也呈阳性表达。结论 HBV在原代培养人胎肝细胞中能稳定复制和表达至少达16d。
Primary human fetal hepatocytes with HBV infection in vitro
Ye Gui Jiang ,Oi Fen Li,Oing Mao ,Yu Ming Wang(Centre of lnfectious Disaases,Southwest Hospital,Third Military Medical university,Chongqing 400038,China)
Abstract:AIM to establish a culture systmn of HBV-infected laznan fetal hepatocyte in vitro.METHODS Human fetal hepatocytes were isolated and cultured, then infected with HBV positive serum in vitro.Supematant and cells were collected every 2 days. HbsAg and HBV DNA were detected by ELISA, immunohist-ochemistry, in situ ybridization and dot blot hybridization in cells and supematant.RESULTS HBsAg could be detected from day 2 to day 20 after HBV-infection in supematant and hepatocytes.Secretion of HBsAg reached submit from day 4 to 16 after hBV-infection in supematant (A value: abcut 0.22).HBsAg could be detacted by immunohemistry incells. HBV DNA could be detected by in situ hybridization and dot blot hybridization in cells and supernatont.CONCLUSION Primary human fetal hepatocytes are cumpetont for infectlon with HBV. HBV can stably replicate and express In HBV-infected human fetal hepatocytes,and at least this replication and expression can last 16 days.
Keywords:hepatitis b virus; HBV infection; human fetal hepatocyte; cell culture
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