【摘要】 目的 了解上海市肺外结核的流行病学特征,探讨对其进行监测的意义。方法 根据1996~1999年上海市10个市区所有肺外结核新登记病例资料,分析肺外结核的年龄、性别、患病部位的分布及流行趋势和死亡情况。结果 上海市1996~1999年肺外结核新登记率为4.63/10万~5.78/10万,肺外结核占全结核的 9.7%~11.9%,肺外结核死亡占全结核死亡的14.1%~17.6%。肺外结核中以周围淋巴结结核为主,占38.3%,余依次为骨关节结核(19.9%)、泌尿生殖系统结核(16.7%)及肠、腹膜结核(9.1%)和脑神经结核(6.4%)。男女之比为1∶1.35。除脑神经系统结核发病以低、中年龄组较高以外,其余的肺外结核发病均随年龄而增加。结论 肺外结核的监测是结核病监测的重要组成部分,对结核病的控制工作具有重要意义。Epidemiological analysis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Shanghai
HUANG Jiansheng,SHEN Mei,SUN Yaling,et al.
(Shanghai Disease Prevention and Control Center,Shanghai 200031,China)
【Abstract】 Objectives To find out the epidemiological characteristics of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in Shanghai,and to explore value of this surveillance. Methods Distribution of extrapulmonary TB for sex, age and suffering site 1996~1999 were analyzed. In addition, its incidence trend and mortality were also investigated. All registered cases from ten urban districts of Shanghai were included. Results The new registration rates of extrapulmonary TB 1996~1999 were 4.65~5.78/100 000. The proportion of extrapulmonary TB to all TB was 9.7%~11.8%.The extrapulmonary TB accounted for 14.1%~17.6% of all death due to TB. The rankings of extrapulmonary TB were as follows: lymph node TB (38.3%), bone and joint TB (19.9%), urinary and genital TB (16.7%), intestine and peritoneum TB (9.1%), cerebral and nervous TB (6.4%). The sex ratio of male to female was 1 to 1.35. The new registration rates of extrapulmonary TB increased with age except that of cerebral and nervous TB was the highest in middle and young age group. Conclusions Surveillance on extrapulmonary TB is an important part of TB surveillance, with significant value for TB control.
【Key words】 Tuberculosis, extrapulmonary; Epidemiology
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