刘秀云 江载芳 杨永弘 2004-7-31 19:07:00 中华儿科杂志 1998年第1期第36卷
关键词: 嗜血菌;流感;急性呼吸道感染;嗜血菌感染
【摘要】 目的 进一步了解急性呼吸道感染中流感嗜血杆菌(HI)感染的发病情况。
方法 采用单克隆抗体夹心酶联免疫吸咐法,对36例上呼吸道感染、32例支气管炎、70例肺炎患儿及45例健康对照组的血、尿进行b型HI外膜蛋白(Hib oMP)抗原的检测,并对70例肺炎患儿的血清进行Hib OMP抗体检测。结果 36例上呼吸道感染患儿中有4例为Hib OMP抗体阳性,32例支气管肺炎患儿中有4例阳性,70例肺炎患儿中有18例为阳性;45例健康对照组中仅1例为Hib OMP抗原阳性。肺炎组抗原检出率高于对照组(c2=10.960,P〈0.01)。70例肺炎中18例Hib oMP抗体阳性。抗原、抗体检测共有24例(包括抗原、抗体均阳性12例,仅抗原或抗体阳性各6例)肺炎获得阳性结果。结论 11.1%的上呼吸道感染、12.5%支气管炎和34.3%的肺炎患儿为Hib感染;抗原、抗体联合检测可使Hib检出率提高。
A study on the relationship between haemophilus influenzae b and acute respiratory infection Liu Xiuyun, Jiang Zaifang, Yang Yonghong, et al. beijing Children′s Hospital affiliated to Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100045
【Abstract】 Objective to study the role of Haemophilus influenzae (HI) in the acute respiratory tract infection.Methods The Mab-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect Haemophilus influenzae type b outer membrane protein (Hib OMP) antigen in the serum and urine of 70 cases of pneumonia, 32 cases of brochitis, 36 cases of acute upper respiratory tract infection, and 45 healthy controls. Patients with pneumonia were further studied by the assay of Hib OMP antibody.Results eighteen out of 70 cases of pneumonia, 4 out of 32 cases of bronchitis and 4 out of the 36 cases of acute upper respiratorytract infection were Hib OMP antigen positive. However, only 1 out of 45 healthy controls was Hib OMP antigen positive. The positive rate for Hib antigen in cases of pneumonia was much higher than that of healthy controls (c2=10.960, p〈0.01). By means of Hib OMP antibody assay, 18/70(25.7%) cases of pneunmonia were found positive. A total of24 cases of pneumonia including 12 cases had both positive Hib OMP antigen and its antibody, 6 cases positive Hib OMP antigen only and another 6 positive Hib OMP antibody only were revealed to have HI infection.Conclusion 11.1% of cases of upper respiratory tract
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