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Tuber Lung Dis,1994,75:199-202.

  5.Das S, Paramasivan GN, Lowrie DB, et al. IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism typing of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Madras,South India. Tuber Lung Dis,1995,76:550.

  6.Das S,Chan SL, Allen BW, et al.Application of DNA fingerprinting with IS986 to sequential mycobacterial isolates obtained from pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Hong Kong before,during and after short-course chemotherapy. Tuber Lung Dis,1993,74:47-51.

  7.Rigouts L,Gomez JE, Deun AV, et al. DNA typing of M.tuberculosis:Epidemiology and evaluation of chemotherapy in developing countries.Tuber Lung Dis,1994,75 Suppl 1:18.

  8.Behr MA, Warren SA, Salamon WH, et al. Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from smear-negative for acid-fast bacilli. Lancet,1999,353∶441-449.

  9.Moss AR, Alland D,Telzak E, et al.A city-wide outbreak of a multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in New York. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis,1997,1:115-121.

  10.Wilson RW,Yang ZH,Kelley M,et al.Evidence from molecular fingerprinting of limited spread of drug resistant tuberculosis in Texas. J Clin Microbiol,1999,37∶3255-3259.

  11.Lemaitre N,Sougakoff W,Truffot-Pernot G,et al.Use of DNA fingerprinting for primary surveillance of nosocomial tuberculosis in a large urban hospital ∶detection of outbreaks in homeless people and migrant workers.Int J Tuberc Lung Dis,1998,2∶390-396.

  12.Zhang Y, Wallace RJ,Mazurek GH. Genetic differences between BCG substrains.Tuber Lung Dis,1995,76∶ 43-50.

  13.van Soolingon D,Qian L,de Haas PEW,et al.Predominance of a single genotype of M. tuberculosis in countries of East Asia.J Clin Microbiol,1995,33∶3234-3238.

  14.Palittapongarngin P,Luangsook P,Transuphaswadikul S, et al.Restriction fragment leng

th polymorphism study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Thailand using IS6110 as probe.Int J Tuberc Lung Di

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