【摘要】 目的 比较PARTNER支架与Cypher支架在临床应用中的可操作性、安全性和有效性。方法 回顾分析首都医科大学附属复兴医院心血管中心2006年2~11月应用的PARTNER支架,评估术中以及术后半年临床应用结果,并与同期应用的Cypher支架组进行对比。结果 (1)Cypher支架组57例患者,PARTNER支架组48例患者。两组患者在冠状动脉病变支数、术式、置入支架平均长度方面差异均无统计学意义;术后血管最小管腔内径(MLD)和狭窄程度均显著改善。对中间支的处理、置入支架的直径和手术费用间存在显著差异。(2)两组6个月随访完成率相似;各组术后6个月间严重心脏不良事件发生率相似;术后6个月中MACE、支架内再狭窄、支架内血栓形成及非致死性心肌梗死、靶血管再次血运重建成功率比较差异均无统计学意义。结论 PARTNER支架治疗冠心病是安全有效的,相对低廉的费用在我国的临床应用中具有吸引力。
【关键词】 冠心病;介入治疗;雷帕霉素药物洗脱支架;对比研究
Comparison between cypher and PARTNER sirolimus eluting stent in treating coronary artery disease
GAO Kang,YANG Ming,WANG Qing,et al.Department of Cardiology,Fuxing Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical,Beijing 100038,China
[Abstract] Objective To compare the feasibility,safety and efficacy between PARTNER stent and Cypher stent.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the cases using PARTNER stent between February,2006 and November,2006.Both intra-operative and half a year post-operative effects of PARTNER stent were evaluated and compared with cases using Cypher stent in the same period.Results (1)There were 57 and 48 cases in Cypher stent and PARTNER stent group respectively.There was no statistical difference in the number of branches involved,the methods of intervention,and the mean length of stent implanted;post-operative minimal luminal diameter (MLD) and stenosis in both groups were significantly improved.However,there were huge differences between Cypher and PARTNER group in treating intermediate branch lesions,stent diameter,and the cost of intervention between these 2 groups.(2)Between these 2 groups,half a year follow-up rates,MACE rates,restenosis rates,intrastent thrombosis,non-fatal myocardial infarction,and target vessel revascularization rates were all similar.Conclusion PARTNER stent is safe and efficient.Its low costs make it
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