【摘要】 目的 观察口服解磷定对急性重症有机磷农药中毒的疗效。方法 随机将162例重度急性有机磷中毒患者分为对照组和治疗组,治疗组在常规治疗同时给予口服解磷定。结果 口服解磷定可减少阿托品用量,加快阿托品化,尽早恢复胆碱酯酶活力,缩短住院天数,减少反跳数和中间综合征的发生,提高治愈率。结论 口服解磷定能有效治疗急性有机磷中毒。
【关键词】 解磷定;口服;有机磷农药;中毒
PAM taken orally to treat acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning
LI Jin-shan,JIN Xian-yin,WU Chang-jiang.Huaibei Zhangzhuang Hospital,Huaibei 235047,China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of orally taking pralidoxime iodide (PAM)in acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning (AOPP). Methods One hundered and sixty-two cases of AOPP were randomly divided into control group and treatment group.The 2 groups of patients were both given routine treatments.But the treatment group was given PAM orally in addition. Results The duration time of reaching atropinization and recovery of cholinesterase activity was shorten in treatment group more than those in control group;the cumulative amount of atropine,the incidence of recurrence of pesticide poisoning and intermediate syndrome,and hospitalization days were significantly lessen in patients treated with PAM taken orally than those in control group. Conclusion The patients with AOPP can be effectively treated by taking PAM orally.
[Key words] pralidoxime iodide;take orally;organophosphorus pesticide;poisoning
1 临床资料
11 诊断标准 所有病例均符合1974午5月卫生部制定的有机磷农药中毒诊断分级标准分级属于重度者,且均为口服中毒患者。
12 一般资料 162例患者随机分为治疗组82例,男33例,女49例,年龄14~59岁,平均362岁。敌敌畏中毒23例,对硫磷中毒20例,辛硫磷中毒12例,久效磷中毒11例,乐果中毒10例,其他6例;对照组80例,男31例,女49例,年龄17~61岁,平均348岁。敌
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