【摘要】 目的 观察红霉素对1型糖尿病伴自主神经病变患者胆囊收缩功能的影响。方法 将入选患者随机分为2组,分别口服红霉素及谷维素,采用单盲法由专人用B超测定服药前后胆囊体积的变化。结果 红霉素组平均空腹胆囊体积为(35±3)ml,服用红霉素2 h后为(16±2)ml。服药前后平均胆囊体积差异有统计学意义(P<005);谷维素组分别为(35±2)ml和(33±2)ml(P>005)。结论 红霉素对1型糖尿病伴自主神经病变患者空腹胆囊体积有明显收缩作用。
【关键词】 红霉素;1型糖尿病;自主神经病变;胆囊体积
Effect of erythromycin on the hollow gall bladder volume in the patients with diabetic-I autonomic neuropathy
ZHANG Ji-xu,BIAN Gang,LUO Yu-hong,et al.Department of Gastroenterolopy,Qidu Hospital,Zibo 255400,China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of erythromycin on the contraction of gall bladder in patients with the diabetic-I autonomic neuropathy.Methods The patient with diabetic-I with autonomic neuropathy were randomly divided into two groups.The treatment group was treated with erythromycin and the contrl group was treated with placebo.The ultrasonography measured the changes of gall bladder volume.Results Before treatment the mean gall bladder volume was 35±3 ml(mean)in the treatment group,after 2 hours gived erythromycin was 16±2 ml.The gall bladder volume had a significantly change before and after given medicine (P<005).The control group were 35±2 ml and 33±2 ml respectively(P>005).Conclusion The erythromycin constricted significantly gall bladder volume in the patients with diabetic-I with autonomic neuropathy.
[Key words] erythromycin;diabetic-I;autonomic neuropathy;gall bladder volume
1 对象与方法
11 研究对象 将130例1型糖尿病伴自主神经病变患者随机分为红霉素治疗组和谷维素对照组各65例。其中,治疗组男36例,女29例,年龄23~41岁,平均(34±5)岁,31例有多汗现
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