心肌局部缺氧引起冠状动脉扩张的实验研究 |
白小涓 王景全 李茵 H.Fred Downey
【摘要】 目的探讨心肌局部缺氧引起冠状动脉扩张作用与交感神经受体完整性的关系。方法 应用冠状动脉灌注系统,制备心肌局部缺氧模型,观察了10只犬在缺氧环境下,冠状动脉血流变化;交感神经受体阻滞剂对心肌局部缺氧引起冠状动脉血流变化的影响。结果 应用交感神经受体阻滞剂前,低氧血冠状动脉灌注时各项血流动力学指标与常氧血冠状动脉灌注时比较,冠状动脉血流增加了225%;应用交感神经受体阻滞剂后,无论是否冠状动脉低氧血灌注,左心室压力上升速度(dp/dtmax,dp/dtmin)与用药前比较差异均有显著性意义。但低氧血灌注时,冠状动脉血流增加190%。结论心肌局部缺氧引起的冠状动脉扩张作用与交感神经受体的完整性无关。 【关键词】 心肌再灌注 抗交感神经药
Mechanism of coronary vasodilation in myocardial regional hypoxia Bai Xiaojuan, Wang Jingquan, Li Yin, et al. Department of Circulation, First Clinical College, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001. 【Abstract】 Objective To determine if coronary vasodilation is dependent upon adrenergic activation during myocardial regional. Methods Studies were conducted in 10 Mongrel dogs of either sexes, in which LAD was perfused with normoxic (CAO2=18.4~20.4 ml/100ml) or regional hypoxic (CAO2=7.8~8.1 ml/100 ml) blood with coronary perfusion system by self-control methods. Results No significant differences were observed in hemodynamic values with regional hypoxia compared with normoxia before adrenergic receptor blocker was given, but coronary blood flow increased by 225%. There were significant differences in dp/dt max, dp/dt min after adrenergic blocker was given. Whether there was regional hypoxia or not, coronary blood flow still increased by190%. Conclusion Coronary vasodilation is independent upon adrenergic activation during myocardial regional hypoxia. 【Key words】 Myocardial reperfusion Sympatholytics
(Natl Med J China, 1998, 78:528-530)
1.动物模型:10只杂种犬,体重19.5~29.7 kg(24.0±0.9 kg),雌雄不限。先用吗啡(2.5mg/kg、肌注)镇静,30分钟以后用α-氯醛(100mg/kg、静脉)麻醉,气管插管,呼吸机通气。 左颈静脉插管以补充液体及麻醉剂;右股动脉插管以监测主动脉压力(AOP);左股动脉插管连接 冠状动脉灌注系统[3];双侧股静脉插管,与混有含N2及CO2气体的氧合器连接,氧合器又与冠状动脉灌注系统相连,以随时进行冠状动脉低氧血灌注。 胸骨左缘第五肋间隙切口,暴露心脏,切开心包,经左心耳插入Milla[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 转基因小鼠人载脂蛋白AI基因表达对血浆高密度脂蛋白的影响 下一个医学论文: 带磁头双J导管的临床应用