躯干伸屈肌肌力与年龄变化的关系 |
曹永廉 孙启良 孙 乔 绳厚福 陈 馨
摘要 目的:研究躯干背伸与腹屈肌群肌力随年龄增长的变化规律。方法:正常男性56名,女性55名,依据年龄段各划分成6组。用FET5000型肌力测量仪,以等长法测量躯干背伸、腹屈肌群肌力。结果:正常人躯干伸屈肌肌力随年龄增长而增加,女性在30~39岁,男性在40~49岁,肌力达到峰值;在峰值时,女性背伸肌肌力是屈肌肌力的1.6倍,男性是1.4倍;此后,肌力随年龄增长而降低,背伸肌肌力降低更为显著。结论:随着年龄的增长,躯干伸屈肌肌力比值逐渐失去平衡。
关键词 肌力;躯干伸肌;躯干屈肌;等长测量;增龄
Changesof trunk muscle strength with aging
CAO Yonglian, SUN Qi liang, SUN Qiao, et al Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, China-Japan Friends hip Hospital,100029
Abstract Objective:To study the muscle strength changes of trunk extensors and flexers with aging.Method:The trunk muscle strength was measured on 56 healthy males and 55healthy femals by the isometric testing meth od with the apparatus FET 5000. All the persons were subdivided into six groupsaccording to their age. Result:The trunk muscle strength in normal p ersons are increasing with aging. Themuscle strength is at its peak as the wome n are 30~39 years old and the men are 40~49 years old. By this time the trunkextensor strength is 1.6 times as large as the flexion strength in female and 1. 4 times in male. After ward, both of themdecreased. The decrease of trunk exten sor strength may be more evident than flexion. Conclusion:Thebalance ratio of trunk extensor to flexion may be gradually lost as the person getting old.
Keywords Muscle strength; Trunk extensor; Flexion; Isometric tes ting; Aging
1 对象和方法 1.1 对象 共测量正常人111名,男56名,女55名,年龄14~69岁。正常人标准:①既往无腰痛史;②体检腰生理曲度正常,无畸形;③功能运动的姿态和范围正常。50岁以上年龄组的33名受试者中,有21名摄取腰椎正侧位X线片,其中12名X线片表现正常,9名有轻度增生表现(腰椎序列正常,生理曲度存在,椎体前缘唇样变或轻度骨质增生)。测量前,对不会做仰卧起坐和俯卧背伸动作者先行训练,待其掌握两个动作的要领后再正式测量。依据性别,分成不同年 龄组(表1)。
表1 受试者的年龄分组
年龄分组(岁) 平均年龄(岁) 男(例) 女(例) 男 女 ~19 18.0 18.3 10 10 20~29 25.9 24.0 10 10 30~39 3[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 用核酸荧光定量PCR技术检测尖锐湿疣HPV的研究 下一个医学论文: 帕金森病和脑血管病恢复期患者肌肉硬度的定量测定方法