色素内镜对食管癌手术切除范围的价值 |
龚宝丽 陈瑞芬 刘宾 李建业 宋爱丽 刘国贞
【摘要】目的 探讨能否通过色素内镜检查,降低残端癌的发生率。方法 69例食管癌病人,其中36例进行术前色素内镜检查,并对病变范围做墨汁标记,以示手术切除部位,术后切除的病灶做病理检查。另33例病人按常规做食管癌根治术,术后做病理检查。结果 36例色素内镜检查病人,残端癌发生率为0。33例未经色素内镜检查病人,有4例发生残端癌,占12.1%(4/33)。结论 说明术前做色素内镜检查,可降低残端癌的发生率。 【关键词】色素内镜 食管癌
The value of staining endoscopy in the estimation of the extent of esophoageal cancer resection
Gong Baoli,Cheng Ruifen,Liu Bin,et al (Beijing Tongrne Hospital,Beijing 100730)
【Abstract】Objective To explore the value of staining endoscopy in the estimation of the extent of esophageal cancer resection.Methods Thirty-six patients suffered from esophageal cancer were examined with staining endoscopy and ink marks,which were used to mark the resection extent before the operation.The pathological examination was carried out and compared with that of other 33 cases of esophageal cancer resections who did not undergo staining endoscopy examination.Results Residual carcinoma lesions were not found on the pathological examination for the staining endoscopy group comparecl 12.1% (4/33) patients with residual carcinoma lesions in the non staining endoscopy group.Conclusions Staining endoscopy examination before operation can reduce the risk of residual carcinoma lesions in esophageal cancer resection patients. 【Key words】Staining endoscopy Esophageal cancer
一、资料 自1996年3月~1998年6月,经胃镜和钡餐X线检查确诊为食管癌的住院病人共69例,其中男性55例,女性14例;年龄40~82岁,平均61.5岁。69例中36例术前做色素内镜检查并标记,然后按标记做手术切除。另外33例入院后直接做食管癌根治术。 电子胃镜XQ-200、喷雾管、2%甲苯胺蓝、2%复方碘溶液(Lugol液)均系我院制剂室配制;;印度墨汁(市面销售),使用前进行消毒处理 二、方法 36例在术前2~3天进行色素内镜检查,其中26例在胃镜观察后,用清水冲洗食管,将喷雾管从活钳孔送入,经喷雾管将Lugol液均匀喷洒在食管粘膜及病灶上(对部分中、下段突向腔内的癌瘤,镜身不能通过的,则只在癌瘤的口侧喷洒),粘膜充分染色后,迅速冲洗,仔细观察主病灶及主病灶远处粘膜的染色情况,在主病灶的口侧最边沿的不染色或染色不良像的粘膜,用消毒墨汁在粘膜下分点注射做标记,以示手术切除部位。将手术切除标本送病理做连续切片,检查有无残端癌。
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肺癌患者肺切除术后ST 下一个医学论文: 高血压病人胰岛素抵抗状态分析