肺癌患者肺切除术后ST |
王志茹 李琦 张国红 孙桂新 东博涛 操敏
【摘要】目的 探讨肺癌患者行肺切除术后ST-T改变的特点及机制。方法 对57例肺癌行肺切除术患者于术前、术后行心电图检测。结果 30例肺切除同时行心包部分切除或有心包外损伤的患者中,28例(93.3%)术后ST段较术前呈水平或上凹形抬高。术后1~2周恢复至术前水平,不伴QRS改变。27例单纯肺切除患者术后未见ST段改变。结论 肺癌手术伤及心包时可引起ST-T改变。 【关键词】肺切除 心包 心电图
A discussion on ST-T changes caused by pneumonectomy in patients with lung cancer
Wang Zhiru,Li Qi,Zhang Guohong,et al (Beijing Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor Research Institute,Beijing 101149)
【Abstract】Objective To explore the characteristics and mechanisms of ST-T changes caused by pneumonectomy in patients with lung cancer.Methods The electrocardiogram of 57 patients with lung cancer were evaluated before and after pneumonectomy.Results There were 28 of 30 patients (93.3%) who underwent pneumonectomy and pericardiotomy or pericardium injury with ST segments shifted up horizontally or hollowly.These changes recovered after 1~2 weeks of pneumonectomy without QRS changes.There were no ST changes in 27 patients who had simple pneumonectomy.Conclusions The changes of ST-T are related with the injured pericardium in pneumonectomy patients. 【Key words】Pneumonectomy Pericardium Electrocardiogram
一、对象 1.对照组:原发性肺癌行肺叶或全肺切除患者27例,男性22例,女性5例,余详见表1。 2.观察组:原发性肺癌行肺叶或全肺切除,同时行部分心包切除或有心包外损伤(指心包外处理肺血管时伤及心包)患者30例,男性28例,女性2例,余详见表1。 两组在年龄上无显著性差异(P>0.05)。 二、仪器 日本福田FX-1301型心电图机。
表1 两组患者临床资料比较(±s)
组 别 例 数 年龄(岁) 部分心包 切除(例) 心包外 损伤(例) 观察组 左肺叶切除 6 59.5± 8.7 4 2 左全肺切除 11 55.2±11.5 5 6 右全肺切除 13 54.5±10.3 13 0 对照组 肺叶切除 10 53.5±16.0 0 0 左全肺切除 12 55.8± 9.2 0 0 右全肺切除 5 56.2± 8.9 0 0
三、方法 于[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 腔隙性脑梗塞的CT TCD与临床分析 下一个医学论文: 色素内镜对食管癌手术切除范围的价值