挛缩膝关节髌韧带轴向应力 |
倪国新 成海平 吴宗耀
摘 要 目的 探讨兔正常和挛缩膝关节髌韧带的轴向应力-应变关系。方法 将兔膝关 节伸直位制动6周, 复制伸直型挛缩膝关节动物模型,分别在37℃、42℃的条件下,对正常和 挛缩膝关节的髌骨-髌韧带-胫骨组合体行拉伸试验,根据实验数据类型导出髌韧带的本构方 程,并作出其应力-应变关系理论曲线。结果 正常和挛缩膝关节髌韧带的应力-应变关系可 用指数函数来描述,同一温度下,二组之间髌韧带的应力-应变关系理论曲线明显不同,其材 料常数(X1、X2)亦有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 ①膝关节制动6周后,其髌韧带将进行功 能重建,导致其轴向应力-应变关系的改变;②37℃和42℃的温差对髌韧带的轴向应力-应变 关系无显著性影响。 关键词 膝关节/生理学;腱,关节旁/生理学;应力,力学 中图号 R336
Experimental Study on Axial Stress-strain Relationship of Patellar Tendon of Contracture Knee Ni Guoxin, ChengHaiping ,Wu Zongyao. Department of Rehabilitation , Nanjing General Military Hospital, Nanjing 210002 Abstract Objective To discover the axial stress- strain relationship of patellar tendon (PT) of normal and contracture knee in rabbit. Methods The rabbit knee was immobilized in extension for 6 weeks,then the mechanical properties of PT and the effect of temperature on it were investigated at 37℃ and 42 ℃. Results The stress -strain relationship of PT could be expressed with exponental functions. At the same temperature, the theoretical curves of stress-strain and two material constants of PT were significantly different between normal and contracture knee,but there were no significant differences between 37℃ and 42℃ in either normal or contracture knee.Conclusion ①PT would remodel and its material constants would change when knee is immobilized for 6 weeks; ②The effects of 5℃ differential temperature on stress-strain relationship of PT were not significant. Key words knee joint/phsiol;tendons,para-articular/phsiol;stress,mechanical
关节挛缩是康复医学中最常遇到的问题之一,目前常采用的康复措施有牵引、夹具、运动等, 它们实质上都是利用生物软组织粘弹性特性的力学疗法〔1,2〕。 因此对挛缩关节周围软组织的力 学特性进行研究将为关节挛缩的康复治疗提供一条可行的途径。 无论何种原因所致的关节挛缩,其基本病因大多为关节长期制动〔3,4〕。关节制动使得其周 围组织所受应力下降,为适应这种变化,组织将进行重建,从而导致其力学特性的改变〔5〕。 本实验将兔膝关节伸直位制动6周,复制了伸直型挛缩膝关节模型,进而对正常和挛缩膝关节髌
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 脊髓运动诱发电位在大鼠胚胎脊髓移植实验中的应用 下一个医学论文: 血透病人血浆游离氨基酸谱的分析