不同剂量微波热凝后面神经变化的观察 |
武淳秋 彭玉田 周中华
摘 要 目的 探讨微波热凝对面神经损伤的电生理学及超微结构特点。方法 60只 SD大白鼠, 按20 W×10 s, 20 W×20 s, 20 W×40 s, 的辐射剂量, 随机分为A、B、C 三组。于 损伤后即时、 7天、40天做电生理学检测及超微结构观察。结果 损伤即时, 各组神经传导 速度及动作电位幅值均明显下降, 40天时A、B组恢复接近正常, C组无明显恢复。超微结构主 要表现为不同程度的雪旺氏细胞基底膜破坏, 髓鞘变形、崩解。结论 微波热凝对面神经的 损伤与辐射剂量呈正比,但当剂量>20 W×20 s,辐射距离<5 mm, 面神经可能发生不可逆性损伤。 关键词 微波/副作用;面神经/损伤;面神经/放射效应;面神经/病理学;大鼠 中图号 R782.05
Facical Nerve Changes after Micro-wave Thermocagulation Injury of Various Dosage Wu Chenqiu, Pen Yutian, Zhou Zhonghua. Department of Stomatology, 313th Hospital of PLA, 125000 Abstract Objective To observe the ultrastructural and electrophysiological change of microwave thermocoagulation to the facial nerve injury. Methods 60 rats were randomly divided into group A, B and C according to 20W×10s,20W×20s, 20W×40s. At the onset,7 and 40 days of the injury, ultrastructure and electrophysiology were observed.Results At the onset of injury,the velocity of nerve conduction and amplitudes of action-potential in all three groups decreased. In 40 days later, group A and B evidently recovered, but group C did not recover. The prominent changes of ultrastructure were broken Schwann cell membrane, myelin disintegration and deformity.Conclusion Injury of facial nerve was correlated with radial dosage of microwave.But when radial dosage reached to more than 20W×20s,in a disance of less than 5 mm,the injury is likely unchangeable. Key words microwaves/adv eff;; facial nerve/ inj; facial nerve/rad eff;facial nerve/pahol;rats
微波热凝技术配合手术治疗口腔颌面部大型血管瘤, 有其独特优点, 能切除其它方法难 以切除的肿瘤。本文做了面神经对微波热凝耐受性的电生理学及超微结构观察, 以便减少微 波热凝对面神经损伤的并发症。
材 料 与 方 法
一、微波源 公安部上海822厂生产WBL-4型微波治疗仪, 发射频率2450 MHz, 输出功率0~200 W, 同 轴电缆连接5 mm长细针状辐射天线。 二、实验动物及方法 成年SD雄性大白鼠60只, 体重250±[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 应用图象处理系统对深低温停循环后神经细胞中钙颗粒定量分析 下一个医学论文: 人血液不同成份吸收光谱探讨