功能性发声障碍的诊断和治疗 |
周京平 李正廷
摘要 目的 探索正确诊断和有效治疗功能性发声障碍的手段。方法 用频闪喉镜显示患者喉腔全貌和声带的动态变化,用声门分析仪检测并记录患者发声的频率、音调和音域。然后根据诊断结果采用药物常规治疗和音声专门训练。结果 1991~1997年接诊的近2 000例声音嘶哑患者当中,110例被确诊患有功能性发声障碍,其中功能亢进性患者48例,功能低下性患者62例。经治疗,86例患者发声恢复正常,20例基本正常,仅4例无变化。结论 使用频闪喉镜和声门分析仪等先进的仪器,可以正确诊断功能性发声障碍,而药物常规治疗和音声专门训练是治疗功能性发声障碍较为理想的方法。 关键词 功能性发声障碍 频闪喉镜 声门分析仪
The diagnosis and treatment of functional vocal disturbance
Zhou Jingping,Li Zhengting (Beijing Red Cross Chao Yang Hospital, Beijing 100020)
Abstract Objective To report our experience in diagnosis and treatment of functional vocal disturbances.Methods Video-stroboscopy was used to reveal the laryngeal cavity and dynamic changes of the vocal fold, and sound spectrograph was used to examine audio frequency, pitch and width. The treatment was combined ordinary medicine and sounding training according to the diagnosis. Results One hundred and ten of the nearly 2 000 patients with hoarseness diagnosed in our hospital from 1991 to 1997 were confirmed suffering from functional vocal disturbances, in which 48 with hyperfunctional and 62 with hypofunctional vocal disturbances. Eighty-six patients became normal and 20 nearly normal, and only 4 remained no change after treatment. Conclusions Advanced instruments such as video-stroboscopy and sound spectrograph are more helpful in diagnosis of functional vocal disturbances. Ordinary medicine and sounding training are ideal methods for the treatment of functional vocal disturbances. Key words Functional vocal disturbances Video-stroboscopy Sound spectrograph
一、临床资料 选自我院耳鼻喉科门诊1991年4月至1997年7月接诊的近2 000例声音嘶哑患者,其中110例确诊为功能性发声障碍,包括功能亢进性48例,功能低下性62[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肝病伴随糖尿病患者围手术期治疗的处理 下一个医学论文: 住院肺结核病人耐药状况与疗效分析