小儿IgA肾病30例临床与病理分析 |
焦莉平 沈颖 张毓文 陈宝玉
摘要 目的 了解小儿IgA肾病(IgA nephropathy,IgAN)临床、病理及与预后的关系。方法 对肾活检病理诊断为IgAN的30例病例进行临床与病理分析。结果 小儿IgAN临床表现以单纯肉眼血尿最常见,其与血尿伴蛋白尿者免疫复合物沉积均多为IgA+IgG型,但前者临床及病理改变相对轻于后者。肾病综合征(NS)的临床及病理改变最重,易合并肾功能不全、高血压,以IgA+IgG+IgM型的免疫复合物沉积为主。结论 小儿IgAN预后与临床及病理分级有关,单纯肉眼血尿预后较好,NS、病理改变有肾小球硬化及免疫复合物沉积为IgA+IgG+IgM型者预后不良。 关键词 IgA肾病 病理学 免疫复合物
Clinical and pathologic analysis of 30 cases of children IgA nephropathy
Jiao Liping,Shen Ying,Zhang Yuwen (Beijing Children Hospital,Beijing 100045)
Abstract Objective To investigate the relationship between clinical manifestations and pathology as well as prognosis. Methods Thirty children with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) diagnosed by renal biopsy were analyzed clinically and pathologically.Results The common manifestations of children IgAN is pure gross hematuria,the most common type of immune complex (IC) deposits was IgA+IgG both in hematuria patients and in hematuria combined with proteinuria patients,but the clinical and pathological changes in the latter were more serious than in the former.The clinical and pathological changes of nephrotic syndrome (NS) were the most serious which usually had renal dysfunction and hypertension and the major IC deposits were IgA+IgG+IgM. Conclusions The prognosis of children IgAN is related to the clinical and pathologic degree.The prognosis is better in pure gross hematuria patients than in NS,glomerular sclerosis and IgA+IgG+IgM deposits patients. Key words IgA nephropathy Pathology Immune complex
IgA肾病(IgAN)是肾小球系膜区呈现以IgA为主的以免疫球蛋白沉积为特征的肾小球疾病,其占原发性肾小球肾炎的比例存在明显的地域差异。亚洲及澳洲IgAN发生率高,可占全部肾小球疾病的50%[6]。在我国,南京金陵医院1 400例原发性肾小球肾炎中,IgAN占32%[1],在2 315例小儿肾小球疾病肾组织的病理改变中,IgAN占7.3%[2]。现就我院肾科经肾活检确诊的30例IgAN,对其临床与病理进行初步分析。
一、资料 我院肾科于1985年4月至1998年5月经肾活检病理诊断为IgAN的有30例,占同期肾活检病例(158例)的19.0%。其中男性19例,女性11例,男女之比为1.73∶1。年龄3~14岁,平均10.0岁。发病至肾活检的平均时间为13个月(24天~10年)。30例中,3岁1例(3.3%),4岁1例(3.3%),6岁~13例(43.3%)[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 羊水过少的诊断处理与围产儿预后 下一个医学论文: 肝病伴随糖尿病患者围手术期治疗的处理