围手术期输血与先天性巨结肠根治术后感染关系的探讨 |
李龙 张金哲 王燕霞 刘荫棠 魏临琪
摘要 目的 了解围手术期输血对先天性巨结肠根治术后感染的影响。方法 从1995年1月至1997年4月,对87例择期行先天性巨结肠根治术患儿进行前瞻性研究,输血组61例,未输血组26例。结果 61例输血组患儿中,20例发生术后感染,感染率32.8%。感染种类包括:腹腔脓肿2例,切口化脓13例,支气管周围炎5例,肺炎3例,其中3例病人患两种感染;而未输血组26例患儿中仅1例腹腔脓肿。输血及输血量与术后感染关系极为密切,P值分别为0.0024和0.0073;术后感染与性别、年龄、术式、术前贫血、手术时间关系不密切,P>0.05。通过多元回归分析示:感染与输血次数呈正相关。结论 输血增加了先天性巨结肠根治术后的感染率。 关键词 输血 感染 巨结肠,先天性
The relationship between perioperative blood transfusion and infectious complications after operations for Hirschsprung's disease
Li Long,Zhang Jinzhe,Wang Yanxia (Beijing Children Hospital,Beijing 100045)
Abstract Objective This study was to investigate the effects of blood transfusion upon postoperative infections after the operations for Hirschsprung's disease.Methods This prospective study was carried out on 87 children (average 3.7 years old) who underwent radical operations for Hirschsprung's disease from Jan 1995 to Apr 1997.The patients were divided into two groups:blood transfusion group(61 cases)and non-blood transfusion group(26 cases).Results 20 of 61 patients(32.8%) in blood transfusion group suffered from postoperative infections which included wound sepsis 15 cases,bronchisis 5 cases,pneumonia 3 cases.Among them 2 patients had two kinds of infections.However,only 1 patient (3.8%)in the non-blood transfusion group had wound infection.The statistical analysis demonstrated that the postoperative infections significantly associated with blood transfusion and the blood volume transfused(P=0.0024 and 0.0073 respectively).Whereas the infections had no significant correlation with sex,age,surgical procedures,preoperative anemia and operating time.Conclusions Perioperative blood transfusion can increase the risk of infectious complications after the radical operation for Hirschsprung's disease. Key words Blood transfusion Infection Megacolon,congenital
近年来输血引起的不良后果日益受到人们的重视,除人们熟知的溶血反应、传染病病毒感染性疾病(如肝炎、巨细胞病毒感染、爱滋病等)外,输血对[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: ELISA法测定血清 型胶原 下一个医学论文: 自发性食管破裂的诊断和治疗