Gesell发育量表对婴幼儿脑瘫康复疗效的评估 |
周雪娟 陈彤 江克文 王继跃 梁建凤
摘要 目的:探讨Gesell发育量表对婴幼儿脑瘫康复疗效评估的效果。方法:采用Gesell发育量表对3周岁以下的脑瘫患儿进行治疗前后测试对照。结果:发育龄4个能区(应物能、动作能、言语能、应人能)治疗前后均有非常显著差异(P<0.01);发育商的言语能和应人能治疗前后有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:Gesell发育量表可以作为婴幼儿脑瘫康复疗效评估的一种方法,但有一定局限性。 关键词 脑瘫;评估;Gesell发育量表
The evaluation of the rehabilitation effects on the children with cerebral palsy by Gesell development schedules
ZHOU Xuejuan,CHEN Tong,JIANG Kewen,et al Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1999, 14(5):205~207
Abstract Objective:To evaluate the rehabilitation effects on the cerebral palsy children.Method:Using the Gesell development schedules(GDS) to evaluate the cerebral palsy children aged under 3 years before and after the therapy.Result: The differences of the four functional areas(social area,adaptive area,language area,motor area) of the developmental age were significant(P<0.001),and the differences of the developmental quotient of the speech function and the adaption to other person were also significant (P<0.05) comparing between before and after treatment by the Wilcoxon statistic way. Conclusion: GDS could be a way to evaluate the rehabilitation effects of the cerebral palsy children aged under 3 years,but it has its limitation and short comings. Author′s address Affiliated Children′s Hospital of Zhejiang University,310003 Key words Cerebral palsy;Assessment;Gesell development schedules
婴幼儿时期是脑发育最迅速的时期,虽然此时脑细胞的数量不再增加,但细胞的生理功能却迅速趋于成熟。对于脑瘫儿来说,此时大脑损伤尚处于初期阶段,脑功能发育的可塑性较强,如及早干预则有可能获得较好的效果。但是如何判断婴幼儿脑瘫的康复疗效,目前尚缺乏公认的标准。我们用Gesell发育量表(Gesell development schedules, GDS)对在我科进行综合康复、符合观察条件、资料完整的62例婴幼儿脑瘫患儿进行治疗前后各能区发育商和发育龄水平的动态评估,现将结果报告如下。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 临床1~3岁的脑瘫患儿,GDS测试总发育商(development quotient, DQ)在21~76之间、综合康复6个疗程(60次)以上者。 1.2 康复方法 所有患儿均接受中国传统医学疗法和现代康复疗法,包括针灸(头针、体针)、穴位注射、点穴按摩、Bobath疗法等。治疗为每日1次或隔日1次,10次为1疗程,2个疗程之间休息7~10天,休息期间做家庭康复训练。 1.3 测试评定及数据处理 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 脑卒中患者下肢运动功能 活动能力与站立稳定性的相关研究 下一个医学论文: 恙虫病231例临床分析